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It had been a week since the day she woke up to a house full of werewolves, and as much as they were good people to live with, Amelia couldn't bring herself to be one hundred percent relaxed in her new life.

She had had 'the talk' with Taylor and Ethan, and they made it pretty clear that this was her house if she wanted, and all the others had been great at making her feel welcome in the pack. But even at the fun dinners in the kitchen or at the weekly movie night, there was always an evil reminder at the back of her mind that there were a mother and two siblings who had no idea where she was.

She tried to reason with herself, they don't care about you. They never did, so stop worrying about them. They probably are happier without you. She thought every time, but it didn't make her feel any less concerned. And the fact that she cared about what they were doing enraged her.

This was a debate that surrounded her mind all the time making her feel anxious. The fact is, as much as Amelia would like to proudly say that her mother had no influence in her, it would be a lie.

She is still hesitant to do anything with her new freedom, little things as to stay in bed for as long as she wants or to watch TV the whole evening or eat anything she found in the fridge. Those are things she would be punished for doing before, and it wasn't being easy to understand that now it wasn't a big deal.

The pack was patient. They didn't know about her old life because she never brought the topic up and they didn't want to urge her, but Ethan had explained to them how poorly he saw her mother treat her and it was enough for them to understand why she looked like a scared mouse sometimes. So their reaction wasn't what kept Amelia up at night.

It was her mother. For the last three nights, she had nightmares where it all was a dream, and she was still living that life, being obligated to hate the people she now knows don't have a single evil bone in their bodies. In the dreams, her mother would punish her for some reason she didn't even know, and she would wake up sweaty and crying in the middle of the night. She wouldn't sleep after this.

It didn't take long for her new friends to notice her behavior.

At first, no one said anything, thinking she needed some time to adapt to the new life. But when she started getting pale, the only color in her face coming from the dark circles under her eyes, they knew someone needed to do something.

On day eight, it was Ethan's day off at the clinic. Amelia got up from bed later than normal, wanting to avoid her housemates and their worried glances at her every five minutes. She really appreciated their worry, and it was marvelous to have someone caring for her, but she couldn't help but feel unworthy of the treatment.

When she heard the pack leave the house, she went to eat the leftovers of the breakfast, she knew George would save some for her. When she arrived at the kitchen she silently cursed that her werewolf senses still weren't working. Ethan was there, using black jeans and a simple white shirt, drinking his coffee and eating pancakes.

He was already looking at her, obviously having heard her coming. He smiled at her and wished her a good morning, to what she reciprocated with a tight smile. She sat on the other side of the counter and prepared her plate. She started eating quietly hoping Ethan would just finish his and leave her alone, but he had another intention.

After they finished breakfast, Ethan took the plates in her hand and put them in the sink not letting her do the dishes, and guided her to the living room not saying a word. She got tense knowing what was to come. She knew the conversation would come eventually, but it didn't stop her from trying to delay it as much as she could.

Ethan sighed, sitting next to her on the couch with a little distance between them. His body was directed towards her, showing she had his total attention.

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