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It is all too crazy, was the best way Amelia could describe her day. She went from an ordinary orphan girl to a werewolf whose history no one knew in a few hours.

Two days ago she was living the life she hated but was the only one possible for her, with ambitious siblings and an abusive mother as her unique family. Being forced to be a part of a cult that spread hate toward people she doubted that existed.

She wasn't dumb. She knew that her life wasn't the way it was supposed to be. She saw other children playing with their siblings, be taken care of by their parents, kids going to school every day with their friends. And she had none of it. No friends, no loving family.

She was homeschooled by her mother, that was a teacher at the local school a long time ago. It restricted her social contact, which was limited to her small family. She only got to have contact with other people when she was old enough to help her mother with her church.

She used to run to the book store on the fifth street every time her mother send her to buy food at the market. She would read four or five pages of the book she was interested in and would go shopping for the supplies. That way she learned a lot about things her mother wouldn't teach her at the classes. She read books about travelers, that knew the whole world, about scientists, artists, musicians. The more she read, the more different she became compared to her family.

She was always fascinated by the things she would read in the pages, and a piece of her would be sad to know she would never be able to live that adventures herself. But she was happy nonetheless that she could at last know about those things. The owner of the book store, Mrs. Jules, was an understanding old lady that didn't mind one bit the girl that would read all her books and never buy anything.

Amelia always took the opportunity to leave her house. Her mother had an inexplicable obsession with werewolves, and sometimes it was just too much for the poor girl to bare. Every night, before sleeping, Amelia would think about her parents. Even if she doesn't really remember them, her mind created an image for those moments when she was alone.

She thought about how her life would be with they were with her, the perfect image of a lovely family. Going to see her grandparents every Sunday, and not be forced to hand flyers at a cult. The image of them was Amelia's way to tell herself to never be like her adoptive mother, to never let the hate burn her heart to a point where it didn't exist anymore. The image of her parents reminded her that she was their heritage, not Naomi's. She wasn't destined to be a carbon copy of the cold woman. It was what kept her sane through her life.

Amelia now believed in werewolves - and how could she not, after what she witnessed that same day. But it still was difficult to enter her mind that she was one of them, and has been her whole life. It wasn't just a detail about her, it was everything she was, and she spent the last twenty-two years oblivious to it.

She tried to think really hard at any hints about it in her life. And surprising enough she found a lot of them.

When she was younger, there were times her siblings would do something that made her really mad, and her whole body would start to shake as she would feel something strong inside her trying to come out. It only happened a couple of times, because every time her mother would make her control herself and then punish her, locking her in the small broom closet without any lights and only let her out hours after.

Amelia shivered with the memory, it wasn't something she likes to remember. The days in that dark and tiny closet make her shake only at a mention of ever being trapped in a place like that. Her mother knew it and of course, used it against her to make her obedient.

There were other times where she could smell or hear things that were far away from her, but she never thought much about it, only got suspicious when her mother prohibited her to use her super senses. Now she understands why she has them, but would need to train to be able to use them again.

Amelia sighed. On top of everything, there was this pack.

She was with them for two days now, and they treated her like family. She felt safe and at ease with them, which went against all of her self-preservation beliefs. Her entire life she heard that werewolves were evil and she should never trust them, and yet here she is, laying in the bed of a werewolf, in a house full of them.

She wasn't afraid, not of them at least. She was anxious about the future, about what she would do now, where she would stay. Would the pack let her stay? She was sure that Ethan and Taylor would, and even Matthew, but she didn't know the rest of them. Taylor said a new member only needed the approbation of the alpha the be a part of the pack, but Amelia didn't want to be the one to disrupt the pack if they don't want her there.

Should she go back to her house? She felt her body shivering. She was sure she didn't want to go back, not only because now she had felt a little bit of what was to feel welcomed and treated as an equal for those who live with you. But because it felt like a lifetime since she last saw her mother, even if she knew it was only two days ago.

She knew things now that she would never dream before. How could she just go back and pretend that nothing happened? That she wasn't being chased by a hunter and that she wasn't one of the creatures her mother hated so vigorously.

Then, the image of her siblings came to her mind. She didn't want to leave them alone with Naomi. They had never spent as much as a day without her. What were they doing now? Were they scared? Did they want her back?

They had always been closer to Naomi than Amelia ever was. While she wanted to go to the world and be free, they didn't know anything about it. It scared them. Naomi brought a feeling of security they craved.

She convinced herself that they would be fine there. They were more attached to Naomi than her, anyway.

She could not come back, and she wasn't surprised to notice this only made her feel relieved.

But the relief only lasted a few moments before Amelia remembered the reason for all of this. There was a man, a hunter out there that wants to kill her. Her heartbeat increased and she tried to calm herself because she knew the others would be able to notice.

She didn't know how to defend herself against this threat, but she could learn. With a new determination, she told herself that tomorrow she would talk with Ethan and ask him to help her to be stronger. She was a werewolf after all, and the elevated senses would help her. She tried not to think about herself shifting into a big wolf, like she saw Matthew doing earlier. It was too much to know she was able to do something like that. So she focused on what she would do the next day.

She would talk to Taylor about where she would stay, she didn't feel much comfortable to talk directly with Ethan about it. Taylor seemed like the best option, as friendly as she was, and Amelia felt she could trust her the most. She smiled at the thought of the woman who saved her life, she could see a friend in her, and she was excited to finally have one.

Amelia could feel her mind slipping away as her eyes were closing slowly. The last thing she saw was the clock in the bedside table showing it was half-past two. And as simple as that she was in a deep and dreamless sleep.

A/n: as Amelia finally gets the rest she deserves, consider leaving a vote on this chapter. Thank you <3

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