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The morning passed normally.

The day started with Amelia in the kitchen, making tons of pancakes and bacon. Looking out the window now and then waiting to see the familiar group of huge wolves appearing through the trees after the morning run.

This was something they did every day. The urge to shift was natural to them, so they did it as often as possible. Sometimes one of them was too tired to wake up earlier to run - Henry was the one, most of the time - but usually they all went together.

Now that Amelia had finally shifted, she would join them. "Next week, maybe. After Ethan helps me be more in control of my shifts." Amelia thought.

Ethan. The name that usually made a small smile appear on her face now brought an anxious feeling deep in her chest. She was determined to talk to him about what Matt said, but it did not diminish the chills she felt when she thought what could possibly be a matter for Ethan and her only.

Later that day, Lilly visited Amelia, bringing ice cream to what she called the 'last day of tests party', that soon become the 'getting you ready for a date party' when Amelia told Lilly she could not join her and Taylor to dinner because she had already something planned with Ethan.

Of course, Amelia could not say that the only reason Ethan was taking her out was that in the morning, when the others were in their rooms getting ready for work or college, she took Ethan aside and told him she wanted to talk about a sensitive subject and didn't want a crowd that could hear every word.

He was obviously worried but agreed to take her to a more private place after work when she promised him that she was fine and it wasn't a problem at all. It wasn't a lie, she said to herself, she didn't know what the pull was, so she couldn't know if it was a problem.

But Lilly insisted that it was a date, no matter how often Amelia repeated it was just a normal thing, as friends. The human ran to her car and came back with a black bag, claiming she would help Amelia get ready for that night.

They spend their evening painting nails and trying to teach Amelia how to do basic makeup. As much as Amelia was embarrassed that Lilian thought she would go on a date with Ethan, she was thrilled for having a girls day, like in the many books she had read. So she enjoyed every minute of it and tried her best to learn what Lilly was teaching her.

But getting ready for a not-a-date was not the only thing they did. Lilly explained to Amelia her own experience as a human in a pack of wolves. She didn't live with them yet, but she would after college. She and Taylor were planning to get married as soon as she finished her Law studies.

"I remember one day," Lilly told Amelia while painting the omega's nails in a baby pink color. "I think I was fifteen. I was watching TV and they talked about our city." She paused. For dramatic purposes, as Amelia had learned. "They spend a good five minutes only talking about how our city was at the top of the list of places who believe in mythology."

"Turns out that it's not many people who think that werewolves are real, and our lovely village houses the majority of the believers." Amelia frowned. Even if she grew up surrounded by the believers the TV talked about, she never realized that it was so big in proportions. "The news story was basically to mock us and say to the world how much of crazy people we all are. I admit that I was laughing by the end of it." She finished Amelia's right hand and used hers to wave around. "I mean, werewolves?"She scoffed.

"So you didn't believe in them?" Amelia asked secretly relieved that she was not the only one in the pack who used to not believe their existence.

"Oh, no. I always thought it was bullshit and those who went to that cult were insane." She said with a grimace, but quickly glanced at Amelia when she remembered that she used to be one of them. Amelia giggled.

"Oh, you were right. They are absolutely stupid." And Lilly visibly relaxed.

"Yeah. Can you imagine how crazy it was when my girlfriend of three months one day came to me super serious telling me she was a werewolf?" She said in a skeptic tone. "For a solid minute, I thought she was mocking me. When I realized it was true I was crazy. I kicked her out of my house. It was a mess of tears and yelling - of my part of course. Tay was too shocked to do anything. For the next two weeks, we didn't talk to each other."

Amelia's eyes were wide. She didn't know anything about it. Lilly noticed her friend's loss of words and nodded her head with an upset face. "Yeah. It was not beautiful. After two weeks, I called her and asked for a conversation. One where both of us would be calmer and I would listen to whatever she had to tell me but I didn't let her that day." She shook her head, sighing.

"It wasn't easy. We needed to gain trust in each other after that episode, but when it was over we were stronger than ever. We still are." Her face illuminated by the end of the sentence, showing the beautiful smile Amelia knew got Taylor all heart eyes. "And I didn't want the chief of police to be any more angry with me for breaking his girl's heart." Amelia looked confused. "Taylor's dad is a police chief." More news to the omega.

"Well, I am happy my favorite couple figured it out." They laughed and went back to their preparations.

When the night came Amelia was more nervous than she would admit. She was in her room when Ethan's car arrived. She could hear Lilly greet them and urge Taylor to her own car to go to their dinner saying that she had great news, in that excited tone she did sometimes. Amelia internally growled in frustration, knowing very well what news she was talking about.

Ethan entered the house laughing at the girls and wishing a good night to George and Vanessa who were also going out on a date. He knocked in Amelia's door. "I will take a shower and we can go, okay?" He told her and when he was ready to leave the door opened. "I thought you were still getting rea-" He stopped mid-sentence. "Wow! You look beautiful." He said in awe.

Amelia blushed looking down at the baby pink dress that reached just above her knees. It was one of the clothes Lilly had at Taylor's closet. She had made the omega promise she would wear this, and now she was thanking her friend for it. Ethan's reaction was worth the awkwardness.

Her face was covered by a light layer of makeup, and her hair was up in a ponytail. "Thank you. Lilly played doll with me today. She probably will say to everyone we are going on a date. I am sorry." She bit her lip, still not looking at him.

Ethan held her chin between his fingers and lifted her head while making her stop biting her lip. "I don't mind one bit if they think I got a date with the prettiest girl I've ever seen." He says dreamily.

At this, Amelia was a loss of words. Her mouth opened to answer but she didn't know what to say. Ethan only chuckled and turned around, going to his bedroom. And Amelia was sure this would not be the only time this night that her cheeks would turn red.

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