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From that day Tess's life changed. She understood love. Or at least she thought so. Kinley was the kind of man she needed. He always made her feel so special. The way he understood her, no one ever did. Tess's world started revolving around him. May be he had passed that phase and that's why he could relate.

Everything was good for the first eight months. When they kissed, Tess loved that juicy lips oh him. The way he used to touch her, made her shiver. His fingers knew exactly what to do with her body. And Tess liked it. She never liked the guys of her age.

And this feeling of her is going to take her down. Deep down.


Things started to degrade after eight months of relation. Kinley used to come back from work frustrated. And he took out that frustration over Tess. He used to beat her and then fuck her.

But again when he cooled down, he used to apologise and loved Tess back the way he used to.

Tess was in a state of confusion. Should she leave him or not ?? When Kinley used to behave abusive, she was afraid. She used to cry. But never bothered him. But again he used to love her too. She always made her mind up by saying that it's just his work pressure. Its the same Kinley she met at first.

But things went bad further. They completed one year. On the day of their anniversary Tess decorated the house. She baked cake, bought present and wore a new dress. All was good except one thing.

Kinley !!

She was waiting for him to return from work. She thought he would be happy after seeing all these. But things didn't work according to her plan.

Kinley returned home late night, heavily drunk. Tess was asleep while waiting for him. Her sleep broke when she heard banging sound on the door. She looked at the clocked. 12:15 am. Better late than never, she thought. As she opened the door, she saw Kinley. But not in a good state. Before she could say anything, he grabbed her neck and pushed her. Tess fell on ground. Then he grabbed her hair and picked her up.

Holding her face Kinley said, "you bitch. You cunt licker. Everything goes wrong because of you. From the moment you entered in my life everything went down. You are a bad luck"

Tears were rolling down through her eyes. Her body was numb. She couldn't say anything.

"You deserve to die", Kinley said and pushed her so hard that her head hit the dinning table. The wine bottle fell down and shattered.

Kinley picked her up. Her forehead was bleeding. He kept slapping her continuously. Then he took his belt out of his pant and hit her.

Tess was in no position to move. Her body gave up. She was laying there dead still alive.

Next day at morning Tess went home. As her mom opened the door, she fell in her arms. Her mom panicked and called her dad.

She was rushed to hospital. A complaint was launched against Kinley. Later on he was arrested for abusing a young adult.

After that incident Tess went into depression. She was recommended a therapist but nothing changed. The person whom she loved so much gave her a reason why not to love someone. Her physical scars were disappearing but what about her mental scars?? What about that fear of falling in love again ??

Her mental health affected her high school marks which were important for admission in university. She couldn't give her level best but she managed to get good marks which were enough to get her in Meredith University for Science and Technology.

Tess thought this is a new chance, a new way to start her life.

Little did she knew it was her new way to destruction

This story doesn't support physical or domestic violence.

Thank you guys for reading. Plz do vote and comment. Any new ideas will be appreciated. 😊

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