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It's been a week since new year. Though life was going pretty smoothly, Álvaro sensed a fear.

He knew if Tess came to know about him kissing Lauren, his relationship will end instantly.

It was the other day when Lauren visited Álvaro in his office.

"What do you want now?", Álvaro asked rolling his eyes.

"You do understand that I want to mess up your life", Lauren said as she sat on the chair and put her legs on the table.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Its an obsession with you. Well I didn't plan to do so but I think I am starting to fall for you"

"Well that's not gonna happen", Álvaro said and scoffed.

"Yeah. That's not gonna happen till Tess is with you. What if you two are not together?"

Álvaro glanced. He understood where this conversation is heading upto.

"She doesn't know that you kissed me", Lauren said.

"I didn't. You jumped on me"

"Will she believe??"

"What do you want Lauren"


There was no point in this conversation. Álvaro was not ready to lose Tess over some girl like Lauren.

"Fine, go and tell her", said Álvaro.

Lauren shot a glance. She didn't expect that.

"Tell her you kissed me?"

"Anything you want to say. If we break up then its okay. May be I deserve that. But let me say you, whatever you do, 'you and me', that's not happening"

Álvaro knew that he has to play the game. After he said these there were least possibilities that Lauren will make a fuss about the kissing.

But Álvaro was wrong. She was not a girl who will just stop.

"Professor let me ask you a question. What do you think about me messing with you? Do you really think its just because I want to have you? Come on, think harder", she said, took her bag and left.

For a moment Álvaro couldn't understand what just happened. What did she meant by it ?


It was days later. Álvaro was free for the weekend and wanted to take out Tess for movie.

"Babes let's go out for movie this Saturday", he said.

"I can't love. I have planning"

"What planning?"

"I am going out with my friend"


"Yeah. Me and Lauren"

"What?", Álvaro asked in total shock.

"Yeah. Why are you acting so shocked?"

"No....I are not that good friend with her"

"We hang out sometime. She's pretty good"

"Babe is it necessary?"

"Come on Álvaro. I hang out everytime with you. Let me out with my friends"

"No no, I didn't mean that. You can surely hang out with your friends. Its just Lauren"

"What about her?"

"You know, she's kind of......not your type"

"Álvaro you are really acting weird"

He was scared. He felt like something's going to happen.

"No, go have fun", he said and smiled.

It was Saturday. Tess was ready for her day out with her "new friend" Lauren.

They met up at the food court. Lauren was dressed as usual, her own kind.

"Hey girl, you look good", Lauren said in her cool voice. "Hungry? Let's grab something"

"Yeah sure"

They ordered their food and waited.

"So Lauren, tell me about yourself"

"Pfff", Lauren scoffed. "I've nothing to say about me. I am neither so brilliant nor having a great relationship like you"

"Sorry?! You know about my relationship?"

Lauren didn't expect that. It turns out Tess didn't remember the Christmas night they got drunk. She really didn't remember that they even danced together. Lauren played the game here.

Lauren said in an appealing voice, "no i figured out. You are a straight A student who's beautiful. Its obvious right?"

Tess smiled.

"By the way why don't you want me to know about your boyfriend??"

"Well it's just I want to keep my relationship private"

Their food arrived. Lauren took a bite.

"Well he must be pretty lucky to have you"

"Yeah......yeah. We are in a pretty good place. He wanted to spend today with me watching movies. But I had plans"

"Awww..... someone wanted to spent time with their boy. Sorry for that"

"No its ok. Sometimes we should hang out with friends too"

They talked about other stuffs too.

It was after sometime when Lauren brought Álvaro's topic.

"Well there's someone I like", Lauren said in a low voice.

"Ohooo, who's that?", asked Tess in a teasing voice.

" have to promise me you can't say it to anyone"

"Okay say"

" know.....our chemistry professor, I like him a lot"

For a moment Tess couldn't belive what she heard.

Okay, so Lauren played her card. What's next? Plz do vote and comment ❤️❤️

El Professor // Álvaro Morte FanficWhere stories live. Discover now