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It was the other day when Álvaro was working in his office, there was a knock in his door.

"Come in", he said.

"Hey professor", said a girly voice.

He looked up. It was Lauren.

"Oh Lauren. How may I help you?"

"Professor", said Lauren in a low voice, "you remember my name"

"I do remember the name of my every student", he replied casually.

"Well professor", Lauren said and hissed, "I think you will pretty remember my name forever"

Álvaro looked at her. Lauren slowly walked behind the desk and stood in front of him. Now Álvaro had a full look of Lauren. She was wearing a hot pant which barely covered her ass and a low cut short top with a jacket and long boots.

Lauren slowly bend over him. Álvaro was not sure what she was upto.

Lauren removed his glasses. Her face was just inches away from him.

"You know what professor I really really like about you? You are really attractive. Now I can see why women are attracted towards a geeky professor like you"

Álvaro's heart was beating fast. He was breathing harder.

"Just talking to you like this makes you sweat. Just think what I can do when there will be more than talking"

By saying this Lauren left.

Later that day Tess asked Álvaro about Lauren.

"Today I saw Lauren leaving your office", said Tess.

"Umm....yeah....she was..... having some problem in adjusting with the new schedule, so just asking", Álvaro said.

This is the first time he lied to Tess.


Days went by. Lauren didn't disturbed Álvaro after that.

"I've seen this girl somewhere. Why does she looks so familiar", thought Álvaro.

"Babe", Tess said. He didn't listen. Tess called him again. "Babe"


"I am hungry"

"Okay, I'll order something"

"You ok Álvaro? You kind of look distracted"

"I am absolutely okay love", said Álvaro and ordered food.

Álvaro couldn't forget about Lauren. The way she seduced him, it attracted him. He knows this is wrong but he can't help his feelings.

Christmas holidays were near. This holiday Álvaro and Tess were spending together.

"What do you need as your Christmas present?", Álvaro asked.

"You", Tess replied sweetly making cute faces.

Álvaro kissed her.

"We need to go shopping for holidays", he said.

"Actually I am going out today with my parents", Tess said.

"Its okay my baby girl"

Álvaro went for shopping alone. This Christmas he wants to cook for Tess.

"Hello professor", someone said from behind. He turned his head. It was Lauren.

"Shopping?", Lauren asked.

"Yes", Álvaro said and tried to walk off past her.

"Well same here", Lauren said and walked by his side. "I can help you", she said.

As they were walking Lauren's arm was brushing off Álvaro's arm.

Álvaro was looking for sauce when Lauren suddenly turned him towards her and kissed him.

For a moment Álvaro couldn't move. Those lips tasted so good. It felt like she was absorbing him. But as soon as he realised that what he was doing was wrong he pushed her away.

"What the hell are you doing Lauren?"

"Don't you say me you didn't enjoy it, Professor", Lauren said in a bitchy voice.

Álvaro left the place. He knows he did a mistake and if  Tess  comes to know about the kiss then their will be a mess.

"That girl really reminds me of someone", Álvaro thought as he drove back home.

Seems Lauren is messing up with Álvaro. What do you guys think ?

El Professor // Álvaro Morte FanficWhere stories live. Discover now