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They sat in a fancy round table. Tess ordered a chocolate coffee whereas Álvaro ordered black coffee. Their taste reflected their personalities. Tess was young and sweet who still have hopes about good things can happen in life. Álvaro's soul was dark and broken.

As Tess sat beside him she could feel a positive vibe. She started getting those tingling sensations again. His body warmth could be felt.



"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure"

"That day I asked you about your boyfriend and you kind of is everything ok ?"

"Hmm", Tess replied not looking towards him.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you. Its just my curiosity and............."

"I was in an abusive relationship", Tess said in between cutting his words. She continued. "My ex boyfriend used to beat me up. He used to fuck me without my consent. It was toxic. I was beaten so badly that I was admitted to hospital. I used to cry every night. I was afraid to leave him. I loved him so much. Everything was so good at first. But later on.......... don't know what changed", Tess said and sobbed and shivered. "I still have those scars. Every day when I look at my body I could see the pain".

This time she broke down. Álvaro wrapped his arm around her. Tess buried her face in his chest.

"No one deserves to treat you like that way", he said. He cupped her face, rubbed her tears off and kissed her forehead.

Tess looked at his eyes. His eyes were having sympathy. The touch of his hands over her cheeks felt so good. Álvaro pulled Tess closer. Tess wrapped her right arm around him and clutched his shirt with her left hand and rested her head on his chest. He rested his chin over her head.

They looked like two different people having one soul.

While having their coffee Álvaro changed the topic to make her mood light up. Every time she used to laugh, his heart fluttered. That time he understood this smile means a lot to him.

After their small coffee chat Álvaro and Tess were ready to go home. As they came out they saw police cars were there. There was a hurry in the road. Álvaro went to one of the officers and asked what has happened. The officer said there is a protest rally against the church firing that took place last month. All the roads towards west are closed.

"What??!!!", Tess exclaimed. "How will I go home??", she said in a little worried voice.

"Well you can come with me", professor said. "We can take the road beside the cafe. It will be a long way but still safe"


"If you don't have any problem, of course"

"No its just........ I've to call my mom"

"Yeah, yeah sure"

Tess called her mom.

"Hello mom?!"

"Yes hon. Where are you? Are you ok? I just saw there's a protest against the firing. Come home quickly. I am really worried"

"Mom, listen to me. I came to the cafe near the college with my professor. Now I came to know that all the roads are closed towards west side. I can't come home"

"What!! Where will you go??"

"The professor offered me to take his home. Its through a safer way"

Álvaro tapped Tess's shoulder. He indicated to give the phone to him.

"Hello Mrs. Rosewood. This is the professor"

"Hello sir"

"Ma'am if you have permission I can take Tess to my home. I promise she will be safe there. Tomorrow after college she will come home. Moreover I don't think it will be good leaving her alone in the middle of the street. Its not safe"

"Sorry for the trouble. You are really very helpful"

"Its alright. We will call you as we will reach home"

Álvaro returned her phone. As they sat in the car he drove towards his house. The journey will take time.

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El Professor // Álvaro Morte FanficWhere stories live. Discover now