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Next day the search for Tess started. Its been already 40 hrs that Tess got kidnapped. For sure they knew Tess was alive and they were not going to kill her.

"We can't trace the call back", Jacob said. "We need live location. Next time when she calls, keep her on line for at least 3 mins to trace her location"

It was around 3 pm when Álvaro received another call. Jacob and his team started recording the call.

"Listen Álvaro", said Lauren, "if you don't come and save your girlfriend, I am going to kill her"

Lauren was loosing her patience. She was on run and she knew police were after her.

This time too they were not able to trace the call. But they got an approx area from where the call was made.

Soon a search party went to that area. After searching for an hour the police found an abandoned home. They went in. The house was filled with dirty smell and spider nets. They kept on searching. There was a room beside the kitchen.

"Sir", one of the policeman called Jacob.

"Sir, it looks like somebody was using this room"

"It seems so", replied Jacob.

There was a chair. Clearly Tess was held hostage here. There were proof of more than one people being present in the room. Footprints were over the floor. Samples were taken. Police tried to find any possible proofs, fingerprints, DNA samples, anything. There were food packets and empty packaged water bottles laying around. So it was for sure they were not starving her. As a kidnapper their work was too poor. It was clear that all they want was revenge. 

Jacob informed Alvaro about the room they found. It will take sometime for the results to come out but its for sure that its Lauren and Kinley's doing. 

Its past 72 hours of Tess's kidnapping. No new phone calls came. Neither new update. Though the test results came in. The fingerprints those were found over the food packets were of Kinley and Lauren including Tess. The footprints of were them too. They moved out of that place soon after their second phone call threatening.

It was around evening when Jacob got a new lead. one of the gas stations identified both of the kidnappers. The owner of the gas station informed the police that he over-heard them of talking about crossing the toll and exit town. Soon the police went over the next toll and collected CCTV footage. They got a footage of the car and the number plate from the camera of the gas station. The gas station guy said he only saw the guy and the girl. most probably Tess was unconscious on the back seat.

The CCTV footage from the toll didn't have any record of their car. That means they are still in town.

On the other hand Alvaro received another call at evening. They demanded kidnapping money. Alvaro expected that. But he made a deal. He will give them all of their demanded money, on cash, but they have to release Tess. They agreed but there should be no involvement of police. If Alvaro includes police, they are going to kill Tess. 

Alvaro went to the bank and withdrew his savings. He couldn't ask it from Tess's parents as because they were surely going to inform police.

Alvaro and the kidnappers agreed to meet at the river bank before the exit of the town. It was clear that they would run away with all the money. It really didn't mattered to Alvaro till he could get Tess back.

It was around 11:45pm when Alvaro reached the river bank. Ten minutes later another car arrived. A tall guy came out. It was Kinley. 

"You got the money??", he asked.

Alvaro showed him the bag. "It's all here. where's Tess??" 

Kinley looked towards the car. Lauren came out of car holding Tess. Though it was dark but in the cars headlights were providing enough light to see the condition of Tess. Her hair was mess. Their was dark circles around her eyes and she was extremely pale. As soon as Tess saw Alvaro, she started crying. Tears were flowing down her cheeks with her muffled voive. Her hands were tied and there was a duct tape around her mouth.

Alvaro was happy and angry at the same moment. He was happy that Tess was still alive but he was angry because of the condition of Tess. They made her suffer a lot.

"Give us the money and take your girl. We promise we will never disturb you again", said Kinley.

"If you wanted money then you could have just said me. Why did you take her??"

"We want you to suffer"', said Lauren.

Then Kinley took out his gun.

Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are appreciated.

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