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You know the thing when you are in a relationship with a matured person is they know how to handle you.

From the word "relationship" the thing which striked in Tess's mind was were they in relationship? Álvaro never proposed her yet they do all the things like they are a couple.

In university it was not difficult to maintain distance or maintain a professional relationship. They never talked much or look at each other.

Fresher's party was near. Every year boys and girls compete to get the crown of Mr and Miss Fresher. And now the rivalry starts.

We all have that bitchy queen in our college life with whom we have to deal. Sara Hamilton was one of them. She was participating (obviously duh !!) and  everyone were sure she will be the one Miss Fresher.

Like Miss Fresher, the college also had their group of boys in which one stud handsome boy stood above all. Calvin Greenwood. The handsome guy over whom the whole college would crush.

Though Tess was not interested in being the Miss Fresher but she was pretty active in other activities. She was running for school body president. The selection of school body president was before Fresher's party.

There were three more competetor. Promotions were high. Pamphlets and slogans were all over the university corridor.

"I didn't thought that you will run for body president", Álvaro said while pouring a cup of coffee.

"I was the head girl of my school", Tess said.

"You are more talented than you seem to be", he said and handed Tess her coffee mug. Tess sat on his lap.

"Álvaro can I ask you something?"


"How will you define our relationship??"

Álvaro thought a little and then replied. "A sophisticated one"

"Well I don't mean that actually. I mean are we couple??"

Álvaro trailed his finger through the jaw line of Tess.

"You can define our relationship in any way you want to", he said.

Tess, being young still had some fantasies. Those romantic proposals and being that cute bf-gf, all those sort of things.

Álvaro was just happy to have Tess. Though its true they never said "I love you" but he thinks their relationship is more than that. They show their love through care, spending time together, helping each other.

That's the problem when you have age difference.

At University, it was the day when results for the student body president will b declared.

With a majority number of votes Tessa Rosewood was the new student body president.

Everybody congratulated her. So did Álvaro.

"I knew my baby girl will win", said Álvaro in low voice.

Tessa blushed.

It was then Sara who came to congratulate her.

"Congrats Tess", said Sara with an overwhelming voice which was really not expected.

"Thanks", said Tess and shaked hands.

"Though it was not a tough thing for you to win", Sara said and smiled. There was an irony in her tone.

"I had competition", Tess replied not understanding what she actually meant.

"Oh no no. Not the competition. I mean afterall you are dating your chemistry professor. Was it really that hard to win ? "

For a moment Tess couldn't believe what she heard. Then she had questions running through her mind. Sara knows? If she knows then her girl gang will know too. And it will spread like fire in the whole University. There will be gossips. What if Álvaro gets suspended? What if her relationship breaks after all these? She doesn't wants to lose him. It was really hard to get someone like him and falling in love again. Is this the end?

She was having all these thoughts when Sara spoke.

"Listen Tessa, no one knows about this. And I'll keep my mouth shut. All you have to do is help me to win the Fresher's competition"

"I am not even in the competition. How will I help you?", Tess said, still being in a confused state.

"You are the student body president. People will listen to you. And I want you to create a good image for me. Though I have one but still I want to be the best. You will be my friend till the competition. If you say I can have the maximum votes. And you can't deny. Coz you just confirmed me about your relationship by agreeing me to help"

"That bloody bitch!!", Tess thought.

Sara was all ready to win this competition. Tess was scared. She didn't want Álvaro to lose his job or any harm to him. She hates the fact that between all these dirty politics Álvaro was dragged in.

Will Tess help Sara? What will be Álvaro's reaction when he will know about all these??

Thank you for reading. Please do vote and comment. Love xoxo

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