Chapter 8: I Guess It's Okay

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"How long are they going to be up there?" I asked pacing back and forth around the living room.

"Just give them time dude," Zander said.

"Time? They have been up there for two hours. Isn't that long enough?" Jay asked looking sad.

"Not for them. They were nearly killed by rogues and then you guys decided to tell them the truth after they were almost killed," Zander said.

"Still!" Jay groaned.

"Guys, calm down. They have to come down sooner or later. I can call in re-enforcements," Zander said smiling.

"Who?" I asked suspiciously.

"Chloe. She can talk to them since she is a girl. Girls always listen to each other's advice and opinions more."

"You got a point there. Call her!" I said urgently.

"Okay okay. Calm down dude. Geez," Zander said getting up and getting his phone out.

"Those stupid rogues ruined everything!" Jay yelled throwing a chair into the wall.

"I know!" I groaned kicking the table over. "My mate is terrified of me. She shouldn't be! She won't even talk to me," I said sitting down with my head in my hands.

"Well, you guys need to calm down. You throwing and kicking shit over isn't going to help make them less scared of you two," Ryan said as he picked up the chair and fixed the table. "Zander is going to call Chloe and she will talk to your mates."

"You think?" Jay asked him.

Ryan nodded and Zander walked back in.

"She's on her way. She'll be here in about an hour since she was heading over here anyway. She finally finished school, so she will be staying in this house," Zander said as I nodded.

I looked at the stairs debating if I should walk up there or not.

"Come on. Let's watch TV. Remember, they have to come down sooner or later. And besides, you have guards standing under their windows." I reluctantly nodded and sat down on the couch with Zander, Jay, Ryan, Hunter, and Tim.

Please forgive me Sam.



Kyrn and I locked ourselves in a guest room while everyone else was downstairs.

"I'm so hungry," Kyrn whined.

"Me too," I said.

My stomach decided to make an appearance and sound like a dying whale.

I groaned and held my stomach. We laid there groaning for about another hour or so before Kyrn spoke up.

"I need food in me," Kyrn said while her stomach was growling too.

"I'm not going downstairs with those things," I defended.

"I don't know. I'm starting to think it might be worth it so I can get food." She laughed.

"They could kill us!" I said.

"Wait a minute." She paused and patted her ankle before giving me a giant grin. "We have our knives."

She pulled up her pants legs with a smirk.

I quickly patted my ankles and lifted my pants legs to see my knives.

"Yes!" I said grabbing them. "Let's go."

We grabbed our knives and unlocked the door looking both ways to make sure the coast is clear. Then we quietly made our way downstairs to the kitchen.

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