Chapter 40: My Hero

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"Xavier," I whispered, smiling looking up at him.

He walked toward us with that stupid little smirk on his face. The same smirk he had when he always brought me back to the house when I tried to escape.

But oh how I missed that stupid little smirk.

"You see. Kidnapping isn't very nice," Xavier said, smirking. "Especially kidnapping my princess."

"No one kidnaps my girl," Jay said walking next to him.

I looked behind them and saw all of our warrior wolves along with, my parents? Are they holding guns? And Kyrn's parents and my grandpa? And they are holding guns?

Oh shit. Why do I have a feeling that this isn't going to end well?

"So I suggest you hand me my girlfriend back and I will make your death a fast and painless one," Xavier smiled.

"How about you guys go back, so I can have my little princess back," Brett hissed.

I saw Xavier's eyes change.

"Your princess?" Ryder growled.

"Shit. Boss, Xavier's wolf is with us now," a rogue said.

"I can see that. Thank you Captain Obvious," Brett hissed.

"You're welcome Sergeant Sarcastic," he said and walked away.

Brett sighed. "I hate werewolves."

"Well I hate psychotic ex-boyfriends," I said smiling sweetly.

"You little bitch."

"Don't call my mate that," Ryder said walking toward me.

Brett saw this and started to run to me.

I yelped and ran toward Ryder.

But right before I got to Ryder, Brett grabbed me from around my waist.

Ryder saw this and let Xavier push forward.

"Sam," Xavier whispered.

All of a sudden, I felt something cold against my temple.

"Take one more step and I shoot. Your choice." Brett said.

I broke down crying, right then and there. I didn't care who saw.

"Don't shoot her!" Xavier yelled.

"Then let me and my men go without anyone getting hurt and I won't shoot her."

"Please. Just don't hurt her," Xavier cried.

Brett let out an evil laugh. "Don't worry. When we get back to my base, you won't have to watch."

Xavier growled and took a step.

I felt the gun push more into my temple and that caused Xavier and everyone else to freeze.

I looked over at Kyrn and she was trying to break free from Trey.

"Sam!" I heard someone yell.

I looked over and saw Max.

But Bruce spoke up this time. "Remember what we taught you."

I thought real hard, but once I saw Kyrn smile, I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Now!" Kyrn yelled.

We both brought our heads back and I heard a satisfying crunch and felt Brett drop me.

I got up from the ground and Kyrn and I both hauled ass over to Xavier and Jay.

Xavier grabbed me and lifted me up while spinning in circles.

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