Chapter 10

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The ancient city of Landorei spread out before Ian. The first thing that caught his attention: the gargantuan trees. They stretched upward to heights that put skyscrapers to shame. Their thick foliage no longer blotted out the sky, but allowed plentiful beams of sunlight to pierce through. The way the sunbeams strategically lit the pathways through the city reminded Ian of streetlights back home. Elves drifted along interwoven branch-bridges overhead and through the gardens that dotted the grounds below.

Ian's attention was pulled to the sculpted gardens that resided in a park-like area. The plants growing there were utterly alien. Their colors ranged from deep blues and vibrant greens, to faint golds and dull silvers. It was like he was standing in the National Art Gallery, gazing upon the brilliant masterpieces hanging on the walls. Except these paintings were crafted with shears and spades, rather than brush and sponge. Each leaf and blossom melding into a canvas that evoked emotions and provoked thought. Every time the wind blew, it changed the entire scene and sent his mind reeling to assimilate all the new details. Impossible, the word kept echoing in his mind as he stood motionless, dumbfounded by its unparalleled splendor. And that was one garden.

He took in the breathtaking cityscape in a slow spin, knowing he could spend a lifetime here and catch only a hint of its true beauty. In the center of everything was a hub of sorts. A colossal Oakalla, at least a thousand feet in diameter, with dozens of branch-bridges extending out in every direction from the trunk.

Vale came up behind him, with Mal, and watched as Ian's expressions played out. Shock, awe, and a peaceful sense of tranquility were all competing for control over his facial muscles. Ian turned to her stammering, unable to find the words to describe what he was feeling. His hands pointed upwards and then fanned out.

"How- you- what!?" He stammered out as he spun once more on his heels.

Vale turned him back with a touch to his shoulder, a look of pride etched into her features. She always loved coming home. It filled her with a sense of calm and centered her like no other place on Paragore could.

"Come, we still have a way to go," She said with a relaxed smile. She took off down the center path, leading the way toward the mammoth Oakalla tree.

Mal followed faithfully behind her, but now with a happy wag in his tail. The shadows around him seemed to shift and move with his nimble stride. A reaction that was typical of his breed; the aptly named shadow wolf. Ian hadn't noticed it before considering the perpetual twilight the forest had been in. He added that to the column of things to ask about later.

"How many elves live here?" Ian asked, switching to a topic he could grasp. His voice sounded harsh in his ears, and he felt like he was unfit to speak in the presence of such artistry.

"Almost two hundred thousand elves call Landorei home. We are heading towards the Heren'elen the heart tree of our city, where The Arcane Seer resides in the highest boughs. Please be mindful of the fact that you are a guest here and be on your best behavior."

As they drew nearer to the Heren'elen, Ian could make out a darkened hole serving as a doorway into the tree's interior. Elves, and a handful of humans, drifted in and out of the gaping entrance. Here and there were floating spheres of light with wings.

"Guide Sprites," Vale answered, before Ian asked, "they help those unfamiliar through the trees labyrinth. They also help the druids to maintain the heart tree."

Hushed conversations took place around them, and a few children gawked and pointed as they passed through the city. Ian could even swear he heard some giggling, which he ignored. Probably my clothes, he thought. After all, compared to the robes of fine silk and hand-tooled leathers, his cheap ruined suit made him stand out. His height certainly didn't help matters either. He towered over the elves and even the few humans he saw.

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