Chapter 39

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"And he did this to my gun!" Ian finished, holding out the ivy-covered weapon to Roland.

"You said his name was Ivy?" Ban asked.

Ian nodded, watching as Roland examined his gun. He'd thought for certain that Ban would know something of the enigmatic and confusing man. But in true Harlequin Court style, neither Ban nor Roland had heard of Ivy. Roland's only offered insight was frustration. The mage proved incapable of removing the enchantment on Ian's gun, which visibly disturbed him. Ian had to pry the gun out of his hands when Roland began to bang the firearm against a table.

"We will have to assume that he is a member of the Court, whether he admitted it or not is irrelevant," Ban said more to himself than the others, his gaze lingering on Ian's weapon. "I suggest that we visit a smithy, they may have the tools we need to get rid of whatever spell this, Ivy has cast."

Roland said nothing. His demeanor portraying exactly how he felt; sour.

Ian assumed Roland was not used to being unable to solve magical problems. Which meant that whatever this Ivy person was he was certainly powerful. They left the room and headed for the floortal bank, riding it down to get directions from one of the twins. Ian decided he was going with Reyli.

Ian got directions to a reputable smith from Lirey.

The missing members of their party were sitting outside the Inn in one of the small gardens. Vale, along with Mal, were keeping a keen eye on the front of the Inn. She wore her leather armor with her bow and quiver back where they belonged between her shoulders. Ian thought she looked much better this afternoon. Somehow more whole.

"Good midday Gents. Where are we off to in such a hurry?" She got to her feet, ready to get back to work.

"Ian met a member of the Court this afternoon. Our unexpected guest has hexed his... gun, was it?" Roland said, taking a break from his sulking to answer.

They relayed Ian's encounter to her. Though Ian left out the part about Ivy being The Seer's probable murderer. Not that he expected Vale to go off in a storm of vengeance, he didn't want to burden her with that knowledge and his failure.

"I will meet you back at the Inn Gents. Go see to Ian's gun, I have to report this." Vale said when Ian finished giving her the details of his encounter. And even though she despised the First Ranger she could not allow such a threat to freely roam Landorei. She turned and headed towards the gargantuan Heren'elen and the Ranger's Garrison within.

Mal trotted alongside her matching her urgent pace with ease. Every now and again the shadow wolf cast a glance at her, as though he were questioning her decision. He could sense his partner's discomfort.

When she reached the familiar hallways of the Garrison, she headed straight for the largest office at the back. Trendal had the druids rework the space when he'd taken the position over a century ago. And while the rest of the garrison was simple and functional, Trendal's corner was crafted and decorated to be as ostentatious as a hall of the royal courts.

It had been quite some time since she'd had cause to enter his office. She tried to avoid it at all costs, but she felt certain that it would not have changed. She drew up to the door with a centering breath and knocked once before pushing on the imposing double doors that always remained shut.

As the doors swung open on silent hinges Valethalassa and Mal a gaudy sight greeted them. Oh good, he's made improvements, she thought dryly.

Long flowing tapestries hung from either side of the grand balcony that took up the back half of the room. Trendal's desk sat upon a raised, circular platform with steps ringing the entire affair. Exotic imported plants, some of which Valethalassa noted were poisonous, sat in corners and hung from planters in strategic spots. She had to admit to herself that it was an impressive attempt to display power. But these kinds of displays were meant to impress outsiders and visitors to the royal courts, not fellow elves.

Mal snorted and made a show of yawning before he laid down.

Valethalassa turned her attention to Trendal. He sat at his desk fumbling to slip a spherical object into the desk's top drawer. His eyes had a subdued fury to them, an expression of emotion that she was not used to seeing on the pompous First Ranger. Most of the time when she saw him Trendal he was merely cold and dispassionate. It made her feel like she'd won some minor victory.

"What is the meaning of this?! You can't barge in here without my prior approval. I could have been dealing with information to which you are not privy or worse, hosting an important official in my company!" Trendal's voice had a quiver to it that grew more pronounced with every word.

Valethalassa stood there while Trendal went on his usual tirade about respect and privacy. The habit Trendal had of brushing imaginary grit from his lapel, to show off his rank, became almost a nervous tick as he yelled. She had heard it on numerous occasions, in fact, Trendal repeated it regularly at the yearly gathering. She used the time to properly organize her thoughts. When she was ready to speak, she interrupted him mid-rant like the child he was.

"...and consider this the last-" Trendal said.

"First Ranger I do not have time to sit through another one of your lectures about the importance of privacy. And considering you care nothing for anyone else's, I have elected to treat you with the same respect that you demonstrate daily. As you have often instructed us to do: follow your example. You're just 'one of the rangers,'" Her implied meaning clear but she kept her tone even and professional. "Unless I am misremembering your words?" She asked, failing to stop the twitch of a smile that came to her lips. Trendal saw it, of course, and before he could launch into another toddler tantrum Valethalassa continued. "I am reporting in, as you asked me to do. Duty first."

Trendal's face began to redden with anger. Mal responded immediately by standing to his feet, raising his hackles and gave a deep growl of warning. After a long silent staring contest between Mal and Trendal, the elf leaned back in his oversized chair.

"There has been a serious breach in security here in Landorei," Valethalassa said, taking his silence as a sign to continue, "I have reason to believe a member of the Harlequin Court has come into the city and has been in direct contact with my charge, Gent McClintoc. As such we will be leaving the city in haste."

Trendal was keeping an eye on Mal as he stood up from behind his desk. He drew himself up to his full height of five feet in a vain attempt to intimidate the pair below him. Were it not for the pedestal that his desk sat on it would've been an even sadder attempt. Valethalassa was used to such petty displays from her 'superior' and let it roll right off her back. When Trendal spoke, his voice was quiet and barely in control.

"You cannot leave the city when such a breach has happened. I forbid it. You are needed here now more than ever. With the sudden death of The Arcane Seer, we will need all the Forgotten Kings Rangers to protect our borders." He said as his anger melted away. He was exerted his authority over Valethalassa and that always calmed him. He even allowed himself a smirk at the end.

"If you recall, First Ranger, when last we spoke my orders had come from The Arcane Seer himself," The Second Ranger said in an equally calm tone, "And as we discussed at that time, his authority supersedes your own. Until I complete my mission, or until a new Arcane Seer has been appointed and that Seer relieves me of this task, I cannot do as you ask. Besides, Gent McClintoc is their target. So, anyone with a rudimentary sense of logic would have to concede that leaving the city with him would be the best method of removing the threat on our borders. Besides that, the Third Ranger, the entire Druid Council, and their subordinates will be more than enough to secure the city. Now if you will excuse me, First Ranger, I have much still to do before departing. Please see Lady Ayla in records if you wish to review my first report detailing my mission." She made a bow, turned on her heels and left amid the shouting protests of the Trendal.

"You cannot leave, I have forbidden it! You'll be demoted! I'll see to it..."

Mal gave him another snarl followed by a huff and left with his partner.

Thankfully his voice faded when the weighty doors to swing shut behind her. She knelt and ruffled Mal's ears while she began her mental preparation checklist. Arrows, crystal, healing kit, rope. She got up and headed back into the city, stopping by her apartment to collect her things before rejoining the others.

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