Chapter 17

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Ian peeked an eye open. And found himself staring at a bare stone floor, the light was gone. He dropped his raised arm, and his mouth went with it. They were on top of a short tower surrounded entirely by glass, with a panoramic view of the city's downtown. Ian rotated in a slow arc to take it all in, a true city of magic and wonder.

Old worn buildings of faded gray stone displayed the city's age like badges of honor. More modern-looking buildings of metal and glass filled the gaps between them. The metal and glass titans of engineering looked like a cross between ancient castles and modern office buildings. Conical towers reaching many stories into the air marked the corners of some high rises. Another shorter, building had several stone spheres floating a hundred feet over the roof. Each one anchored by a thick chain, easily as big around as an Okalla. Each feat of architecture had a unique design, without a care as to its neighbor's color or shape.

"You're crushing my hand," Vale's voice intruded on his awestruck thoughts.

"Sorry," He said dropping her hand.

Vale flexed her fingers and then headed towards the only exit, stairs set in the floor leading down. Metal sconces lit by glowing white crystals hung from the walls of the stairwell, lighting their way. Mal shook his body vigorously. Despite the fact that not a single drop of water remained on any of them. Then the wolf trotted over, gave Ian a nip in the heel, and disappeared down the steps.

"Ow hey! Oh, wait!" Ian pulled away from the windows and followed the pair.

"That was just the incoming traveler area. Down here is the Transmission Spring of Raxal and the way out into the city proper." Vale said as they came to the end of the stairs.

As they hit the ground floor Ian saw the Transmission Spring. A mirror of the first, except that in place of an elf, the central statue portrayed a human and a dragon. More members of the Order of Brass stood around the Spring waving people through and checking bags, barrels, and crates.

"Are all of the Transmission Springs so heavily guarded?" Ian asked as they moved past the guards.

"Typically, yes. For all the conveniences the Transmission Network provides the Springs themselves are a great vulnerability. It is why the Brassmen are the guards. Since they are a truly neutral power. Everyone trusts the Order of Brass." Vale's last words had a tinge of jealousy to them.

When they stepped out into the city that same warm spring weather greeted them along with a host of smells that could only exist in a city. There were people everywhere. Street vendors hawking everything from food to timepieces. Herds of pedestrians and a variety of vehicles clogged the streets. Horses, carriages drawn by a wide assortment of animals, flying carpets, hovering discs, and even some winged magical creatures soared overhead. The chaotic streets put D.C.'s rush hour to shame; Ian couldn't track it all at once despite trying his best to do just that.

His head whipped around to follow a winged horse. Then back to the street as an animal with twelve legs let out a bleating honk as a carriage cut it off. He snapped out of it when he noticed Vale was leaving him behind, darting quickly through the crowd, careful not to lose track of his diminutive guide. Ian was equally overwhelmed by the number of species that made up the collective "people." Almost like he'd been thrown into a massive convention with elaborate cosplays. However, these costumes of dwarves, orcs, elves, and all the rest happened to be real.

Not watching where he was going Ian bumped into a monstrous man. He glanced up to apologize and found it was not a man at all. The goliath possessed the head of a dragon and a humanoid body covered with deep azure scales where his armor didn't cover. Several angry-looking horns framed his reptilian face, sweeping back from the forehead and temples like a 1950s greaser.

A Smidge of Magicحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن