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Dawna: 8
Pixie: 5

Now everyday seems longer than the last
And all the faces come and go
But nothing heals the past
Kari Kimmel; Nothing left to loose

The next few days were a blur for the little Princes. It seemed that her brother had already been killed long before the arrow had hit him. The king had tried to find the person who had accidently aimed his arrow at the young prince, but as suspected no one claimed the role.

It was awfully quiet around the castle without her older brother to play with. His laugh did not echo through the hallways anymore, his mouth did not chew his food too loudly during their dinners and no one told her a good bedtime story. At least not in the way her brother always had done.

Little by little, the young princes started to understand that her brother had died and that he would never come back to them.

Now that the future King was no longer alive; the crown automatically was given to the youngest of the two. Something little Dawna had not considered or thought about just yet.

She spent most of her time with her auntie, who was giving her a helping hand as she tried to accept what had happened to her brother. Countless of questions rushed through her head. Was there anything she could have done to prevent her brother from dying? If she had not trusted that traitor Sem; would her dear brother still be alive?

'You are thinking again, my dear,' a voice broke the thick silence, causing the little girl to look up from the window. Her eyes had been glued to the garden again; to the place where not so long ago it had all happened. 'Stop it, we went over this many many times. It is not your fault that your brother is no longer here. None of it is your fault.'

The young Princes wanted to say something, she wanted to shout, to cry or to do anything. Anything at all. However, all she could do was sit silently as her eyes watched the way her aunt pulled out her long, dark purple coat and her smaller one as well.

'We are not going to sit her all day waiting for your brothers funeral to start. You are coming with me,' she decided with a stern voice, wrapping the coat around her body.

Her auntie always wore the most beautiful dresses made of the most expensive materials. That day, for example, she wore a beautiful red dress with small gemstones woven in the corset. The skirt, as usual, was very puffy. It was a real ball gown made for a royal.

'Come now dear, I am not getting any younger over here!'

The young Dawna managed to pull herself off the chair and eventually she allowed her aunt to put on her warm coat and soft shoes made of animal fur.

'We have to be very careful and silent,' the woman with the long, blonde hair whispered. 'We do not want your father to find out about our little rendezvous now do we?'

'No, auntie.'

'Good girl, now be silent and follow me.'

The two fled through the castle, walking in only the shadows. Normally, little Dawna would have died to discover more secret passages in the castle so she would be able to sneak through them with Damien. Without him, however, finding out about the secrets of the castle seemed simply dull.

'Very well,' her auntie whispered silently. 'We have now reached the entrance of the most secret passageway of the entire castle. This one leads to the villages behind our beloved castle wall. Now, the rules are very simple my dear. You cannot go through this passage without me. You cannot tell a living soul about this; it has to stay our little secret alright? If the people from the villages find out they can enter our castle with great ease and we must not have that after what happened a few days ago, now can we?'

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