18 1 0

Dawna: 23
Pixie: 20

Be you, the world will adjust - Unknown

The pale Queen had been walking around her castle for a while now, wearing the prettiest crown she could find. Days ago, she had watched how the man she loathed the most burned. The smell of his burning flesh and the sound of his cries were still fresh in her memory.

Dawna absolutely loved feeling powerful and she loved being in control.

All of a sudden, a maid came walking towards the powerful woman with a letter in her hands.

'Your majesty,' she addressed the Queen properly before bowing shortly. 'This letter was delivered here this morning, but they forgot to give it to you tomorrow morning during breakfast.'

The Queen could not care less who exactly where the them she was talking about. Instead, she took the letter and waved away the maid.

Looky purred satisfied when Dawna took a seat and he could settle on her lap. Her hands opened the letter within seconds, leaving her eyes to do the reading.

'You get fan mail these days?' a voice sounded. 'I should become Queen too, perhaps I will find a husband then.'

'Being Queen as not done anything good for my love life either,' auntie, the young woman spoke before rolling her eyes playfully. 'So, becoming one will not help you there either.'

Delphinium started to laugh softly before she sat down next to her niece. 'So, what is it?'

'An invitation,' Dawna answered. 'For dinner.'

'So, it is a love letter? Tell me, does it say that you have the brightest eyes he had ever seen? Does it say that you have the prettiest smile ever?'

'A letter does not need to tell me that when I have you do to it.'

'Men are so overrated anyways,' Delphi joked before petting Looky carefully; causing the cat to purr happily. 'Now tell me, from who is it?'

'The girl whose baby I saved in the hospital,' Dawna answered, suddenly looking very serious. 'She wants to thank me for saving both her babys life as her own.'

'Will you accept her offer?'

'Dear Gods, no,' the Queen scoffed. 'If I do that people from all over the villages will start to invite me and besides, who knows if she will try to poison me. She looked nice but behind niceness always hides something evil.'

'You never do trust people,' the woman with the honey blond hair spoke. 'Who knows what will happen? I think you should do it.'


'Because you could use a friend. A real friend. Not one of the maids or me. No, you need to be able to talk to a woman your age about normal problems. You know, your period or boys you secretly have a crush on.'

'Boring,' the Queen hummed in a singing voice. 'Why would I want to talk with another woman about my periods? Why would I even have secret crushes on the animal-like boys that walk around the castle?'

Delphinium rolled her amber coloured eyes. 'You do not have to.'


'I was not done talking there,' her aunt spoke quickly. 'I am just trying to say that it might be good for you. Your mother was my best friend growing up and since Damien is not here anymore to be yours you might need a new one. Just consider it.'

'Very well, I will. However, I refuse to go to their house.'

'It is simple then,' the oldest woman spoke. 'Just invite her, her husband and their baby here. We have plenty of room and the only dinner guests we have are boring and old.'

Queen DawnaWhere stories live. Discover now