15 1 0

Dawna: 24
Pixie: 21

Sorry babe, I'm ashamed
That you caught me sinking
The Faim; Human

Anger crept through her veins as her eyes watched farmers begging her to safe their precious harvest. The pale Queen could not care less about their wellbeing and their food since she was always safe and well-fed. Their words made her feel annoyed, especially since it was not of any concern to her.

Looky had settled on her lap and was half-asleep while his owner had to go through the most boring afternoon of her life whilst her aunt stood behind her and watched silently as her niece spoke to yet another citizen in need.

'I cannot help you,' her voice hissed. 'I am not one of the Gods so pray to them, not to me. Next!'

The poor farmer shook his head before slowly making his way out of the room anyways. No matter how bored the pale woman was she did enjoy the amount of power she had compared to all her subjects.

A young woman walked in with a baby on her arm, causing Dawna to feel nauseous within seconds.

'How may I help you?' her harsh voice asked before she rolled her blue eyes as the baby started to cry. 'Could you please shut that thing off?'

The woman shrunk just a little before her brown eyes found her Queens. 'L-Last night, our b-barn burned down and n-now we have nowhere to g-go,' her weak voice whispered. 'If w-we don't find anything s-soon our newborn w-will die.'

'What makes you think that I care? If anything, you are the one wasting my precious time here.'

'Please, my Queen, I am begging of you to safe my daughter. She is not even a month old and she won't survive the night. I-It's so c-cold. Please, your M-Majesty.'

Her begs filled the room and went through stone, yet they did not weaken a single emotion in Dawna, except maybe for boredom and irritation. This woman should be grateful to have her daughter in the first place.


'No, no, please your majesty I'm begging you! Have you never had a daughter or someone to care for? Please, you have to help me. I can't lose her, I can't. Shes all I have left. Please.'

Her begs once again meant nothing to the Queen as she waved her hands, signalling to her guards. 'Show her the door, will you?'

Her bright blue eyes watched how the young mother got dragged out of the room and still she felt nothing. Absolutely nothing.

A deep sign left her lips before she turned to her auntie, who was standing right besides her as usual. 'I truly cannot stand hearing another citizen beg for something I can give them but will not. Can I be excused?'

'Why bother asking?' Delphinium spoke. 'I will stay her and handle those beggars until you come back, and if you do not then I will stay here until the line is gone.'

'Thank you, auntie,' she whispered before placing a kiss on the other womans cheek. 'You are a lifesaver.'

'Do not mention it, unless, of course, you want to pay me by throwing a ball for me or by giving me a brand new and sparkling dress. I will never reject those things.'

'Obviously,' the pale woman grinned. 'I will keep it in mind, perhaps your birthday can come soon this year.'

The two women said their goodbyes before the white-haired woman quickly walked out of the castle to the garden. It was no secret that Dawna could not handle anger, or any feelings for that matter, very well which led to an occasional outburst. She could feel it building up inside of her. It felt like she had been cooking water and now it was finally reaching the point in which it was boiling. Her anger was on the edge of boiling when she had left the castle, but now that she was all alone in the garden it reached that point.

Queen DawnaWhere stories live. Discover now