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Dawna: 17
Pixie: 14

Tell me that you mean it
Tell me that it's true
The last thing you do
Tell me that you mean it
I'd rather watch my kingdom fall
I want it all or not at all.
Claire Wyndham; Kingdom Fall

Fifteen days later, the entire Kingdom was preparing itself for the biggest feast they had had since the little Dawna had been born. Children were forced to wear their nicest clothing, both men and women spend way too long on their appearances and the streets were decorated with beautiful, handmade white garlands. People were preparing large and delicious meals for their family and friends to enjoy after the festivities had ended. The newlyweds would make an appearance in every single village right after they had said I do to each other in a beautiful, white carriage that was pulled by white horses. No one could wait to lay their eyes on the beautiful couple. No one could wait until the two were finally married.

No one expect the bride. Dawna, who was no older than seventeen-years, had been crying all morning. It was not that she despised the man, on the contrary, she had grown to at least like him. It was the fact that neither her beloved brother nor mother could attend to a wedding she did not even want. Seeing the beautiful white dress her aunt had the seamstresses made for her was a constant reminder that she would lose her childhood within a few hours. No longer would she be able to do whatever she wanted. Now the pale woman would have a husband to obey to and a ring around her finger to keep her from doing so much as look at other people. She would be his and it frightened her.

'Now, now, sweetie, do not frown. It does not work well with your crown,' her sweet auntie spoke in an attempt to lighten up her mood. It was no secret that she miserably failed in doing so. 'They are almost done with your hair and make-up and I must say that you look absolutely magnificent my darling. Your groom will not know where to look when he sees you entering the room with that beautiful dress. The people will be blown away by your beauty, that is for sure.'

Dawna was not fat, just a little curvy. No one minded though, not that the young woman would have cared if they had. The pale Princes was beautiful in every way. Her curves only complimented her body. With a skin as light as the moonlight, blue veins visible through her thin skin and hair as white as snow; the Princes was certainly something else.

'Would you like to try it on?'

'Not really,' the pale girl answered, softly petting Looky. 'But I do not think that I really have a choice in this matter, do I?'

Suddenly, her aunt straightened her back and commanded all the maids to leave the room. Her voice was stern, causing all of them to scare off immediately.

'You always have a choice my dear child. If you really do not want to marry him you must tell me now, before it is too late. It is just you and me now, so tell me whatever trouble lays on your mind. I want to help you darling; you are my favourite niece.'

The white-haired woman softly chuckled before speaking up. 'I am your only niece.'

'Yes, yes, that too,' the blonde woman laughed before her face got serious again. 'Darling, if you are really against this wedding you can tell me. You know, that right?'

A deep sign left her dark red painted lips before blue met amber. 'I know auntie,' her voice whispered weakly. I just wish that someone would tell me what to do. 'I wish that someone could look into the future to tell me whether or not I am making the right choice. If I do not marry him; the people will destroy our monarchy. They will most likely murder me. However, If I do marry him it will mean that I lose everything.'

'What are you talking about? You will not lose everything,' Delphinium spoke before she sat down next to her worried niece. 'I will give you the exact same advice I gave your mother all those years ago; right before she married your father. Every choice you make, whether it is a wrong or a right one, has consequences. Nothing comes without a cost. Everyone is a little scared to make a commitment. Some people tend to run away from it, others choose to face it. I have gotten to know you a little throughout the years and I think it is safe for me to say that you are no runner. You are a fighter. There is a fire inside of you that burns too bright to be shut down by any man. You will never allow him to take control; you will never allow him to tame the beast inside of you and that, right there, is your power, darling.'

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