12 1 0

Pixie: 21
Dawna: 24

Family is anyone who loves you unconditionally - unknown

Pixie and Loöys had settled just fine in the castle. With lots of help the dotted woman had found a way to cope with the loss of her husband. Her little bundle of joy was the main reason she refused to give up on life, but a certain white-haired Queen helped too. Dawna had turned out to be a very good and caring mother. She bathed little Loöys every now and then, woke up in the middle of the night to feed him his bottle and could play with him for hours and hours. Watching the two of them caused a conflicted feeling inside of Pixie to grow, knowing that she should hate the Queen. Part of her had expected that the other woman had killed her husband in cold blood since killing was one of her specialties. As soon as Dawna had explained how the murdered had done it Pixie only felt more certain of her accusation. At least, until they had read the message on the door. It was clearly not her handwriting and the pale woman would never harm her baby boy. She simply would not.

'So,' the voice of her Queen sounded through the room. They were both sitting in Dawna's chambers near the window. The fireplace was lit whereby the room was filled with its warmth. The pale woman was reading a book while petting Looky and Pixie was looking through some important files about the harvest that year. Not only did Dawna trust her enough to tell her about almost everything; she had also given the dotted woman a chance to look through some important papers in order to hear her opinion on some important things.

'So what? Are you going to finish your sentence or are we playing a guessing game again?'

'Hush, darling, I was not done yet,' the white-haired woman spoke before reading the last sentence and closing her book. 'So, it is almost Loöys first birthday and I am guessing that you do not want it to pass silently?'

'Not really,' the dotted woman spoke. 'I was planning on having a small get together with friends and family to celebrate it.'

'A small get together?' the paler woman spoke. 'Are you insane? We must celebrate his birthday with fireworks, feasts and lots of cake.'

'You do realise that Loöys does not know what fireworks are and that he cannot eat cake yet, right?'

'What do you think I am: an idiot?' Dawna asked which caused a mischievous smile to grow on her lips.

'Wait, are you telling me that you don't?'

The Queen threw a pillow in her best and only friends direction that hit her head softly. They both started to laugh and the sound of it filled her heart. Never had Pixie expected to become friends with her majesty itself, let alone live in the same castle as her. In a way it was strange how well the two seemed to know each other since they had met not even a year ago. None of that mattered however, they were always there for the other and the thought that someone was looking out for her son and her, the way her husband would have done if he was allowed to, gave her a certain calmness. Pixie could take care of her family on her own, but a helping hand was never wrong. Especially not if that hand was offered to her by the most powerful woman history had ever known.

'Just think about it, will you? I know that you never had big birthdays but Loöys is part of my family too.

A shocked expression took over the dotted womans face for just a second before Pixie managed to pull her face in a normal expression again. However, the pale woman had noticed it. She could tell it by the frown that appeared on her pale forehead and her hands that formed itself in prayer position.

'What? Was it something I said?'

'You just called him family?' the dotted woman spoke insecurely. Had the Queen really done that or was it just her imagination? Despite knowing each other very well the dotted woman did not want to embarrass herself in front of the older woman. 'Did you mean that?

Queen DawnaWhere stories live. Discover now