19 1 0

Dawna: 24
Pixie: 20

It was like a time bomb set into motion
We knew that we were destined to explode
All Time Low; Timebomb

It was the night of the Queen's twenty-fourth birthday. People were gathering themselves outside the castle walls; waiting for their Queen to welcome them in her palace. It was mostly nobility or very rich guests who wanted to catch a glimpse of the most important woman in the realm.

None of those people matted to the pale woman; no one except for her newfound friend. Pixie and she had been drinking tea every other day and they took long walks together. They talked mostly about Loöys and small things, yet the Queen enjoyed it. The dotted woman was clever enough not to talk about politics or deep subjects. Dawna had invited her weeks ago in the hope that she would attend the festivities. Yet, part of her expected her not to come. The villages were celebrating her twenty-fourth birthday as well, which meant that there would be lots of smaller parties throughout the villages. Plus, Pixie was not one to leave her husband and new-born alone for too long.

'You look absolutely magnificent!' a voice called out loudly. 'You do look very good in pastel yellow, but I am sure that no one has to tell you that.'

A smile appeared on her lips as she turned around. 'Thank you, auntie.'

On top of her head the Queen wore a large, golden grown and her white hair decorated her shoulders with small waves. Dawna looked like a true masterpiece once again. Secretly, she hoped that it would impress a certain someone.

'Do you think that she is going to come?'

The pale woman raised her eyebrows before looking at the other woman. 'Who?'

'Oh please, the girl from the village. Pixie, was it not?' Delphi asked before checking her honey blonde hair in the mirror. 'You can just tell me how you feel. The two of you have been secretly meeting ever since that dinner.'

'It is not really a secret if you already know it,' Dawna spoke before opening the door. 'Are you coming or not?'

The party had started with the colourful light of fireworks that formed the number two followed by the number four. Everyone was in a good mood that particular evening. Men had come to make small talk with their Queen, women had complemented the pale woman with her appearance. It was one of those formal nights again which were made to create deals and secure the friendships the palace had with the nobles.

'I must admit that the fireworks were a bit much,' a voice broke the boring conversation in which Dawna had been in. 'But then again, it's very you.'

A satisfied smile formed itself on her lips automatically before her lips excused herself from the important man. Slowly, the pale Queen turned around and faced the dotted woman who was dressed in a simple, long red dress that fell on the ground. It was not much, yet the Queen knew that either she or her grandmother had spent many nights sewing it.

'I am glad to hear that you saw that part,' the white-haired woman spoke. 'Nice dress. Handmade I suppose?'

The other woman looked at her dress before turning to her Queen again. 'Yes, I made it myself,' her voice spoke before she shook her head slowly. 'With a little help from my oma, obviously.'

'Obviously,'the pale woman spoke while a smile tried to break through on her lips.

'Your dress looks very expensive. Is it handmade too?'

'Probably,' Dawna shrugged. 'I never checked though. Now tell me, how is little Loöys doing?'

Pixie took a step closer and allowed the pale woman to take in her scent. 'Well, he is still crying a lot, eating a lot and pooping even more. Are you sure that you dont want take a diaper change shift?'

Queen DawnaWhere stories live. Discover now