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Dawna: 24
Pixie: 21

You pulled the trigger
You dug the grave
'Cause you can't take back
Can't take back the bullet
Hey Violet; Can't take back the bullet

Her footsteps echoed through the hallways. Everyone stepped aside for the angry looking Queen who had dressed her in her darkest outfit she could find for the occasion. A guard walked with her to the dungeon where, yet another man opened the door for her.

'Cell four, your majesty,' someone unimportant informed her before she stepped in the chilly and musty room.

It had always smelled like death and despair in the lower floor of the castle. This time, however, the smell was stronger than ever. Perhaps because the one person that was locked in it had betrayed the Queen in the worst way possible.

Dawna walked over to the cell where she found her lying on the ground. Her short dark hair was covered with mud and her owl costume was almost unrecognisable. Pixie had only been in the dungeon for a day, but it looked as if she had been there for far longer.

'You may leave us now!' the pale woman spoke. 'This one will not be able to do me any more harm.'

The guards nodded and left the room, leaving the two of them to be alone. Pixie had not dared to look the other woman in her eyes, something that irritated the Queen immeasurably. Knowing that she had once again been fooled by a citizen was bad enough, but the fact that this citizen had made her way into her heart made it even worse. Dawna had murdered countless of people for what they had done, yet none of them had ever been dear to her. Not the way Pixie was at least.

'So? Are you going to look at me or what?'

Slowly, very slowly the other woman looked up from the floor. Eventually their eyes met, and both the woman were struck with a lightning of pain. Dawna licked her plump limps before her teeth started to torture her bottom lip in order not to cry.

'What do you want?' the dotted woman managed to ask with a harsh tone in her voice, causing an insane laugh to leave the other womans lips.

'What do I want? How dare you to speak to your Queen like that, you treasonous snake?'

A silence felt once again. Their eyes stayed locked however, causing the both of them to shrunk in pain.

'I have thought long and hard about this,' the pale woman finally broke the silence. 'At first I wondered whether or not my aunt had made this story up, but then I started to wonder why on earth she would do such thing.'

'She didn't,' the dotted woman spoke. 'Make it up, I mean. Everything she accused me of is true.'

'Hush, I was not done talking,' Dawna said in a singing-voice. 'Because it made me wonder why a bunch of shitheads that call themselves rebels would ever choose someone like you to be their leader. Not many people would choose a twenty-one-year-old to lead them and not many would choose a woman, so it made me question their motives. Until I realised that they would choose the daughter of their previous leader and since I murdered that leader it can only mean one thing.'

The pale woman stopped talking for a second. It was too hard to say these words out loud, knowing that once she had it would be confirmed and then there was no going back.

'Semual was your father.'

Now it was Pixies time to shrink as tears left her eyes. The sadness and pain the other woman so visibly felt made Dawna sick. If she had truly cared about her Queen, she would have never done such a thing to her. This was all for show; everything had been for show.

Queen DawnaWhere stories live. Discover now