13 1 0

Pixie: 20
Dawna: 24

But now that I'm broken
Now that you know it
Caught up in a moment
Can you see inside?
5 Seconds Of Summer; Jet Black Heart

It was the same nightmare over and over again. Mathias would be stabbed in front of her, then she would be forced to watch her son die only to die herself in the end. Her nights had been haunted by this dream, her mind had been making too many hours since her husbands funeral and her eyes were unable to stop crying. The pain in her heart was something Pixie had never experienced before. Her father's death had been hard on her, but this was almost unbearable. The thought that he had been brutally murdered by someone who was after her son as well made her feel nauseous. Pixie could not sleep well, and her days were like hell as well. Every sound made her look up, every person that was unknown to her caused her to grab her son closer and every footstep that seemed to come closer caused her to grab the weapon she had been hiding underneath her pillow.

'Hello?' a soft voice called out from the other side of the room, whereby the dotted woman could feel her heart shrink in fear. 'Pixie, can you open the door for me please? I heard you screaming from my room. Are you okay?'

Knowing that it was Dawna who was watching over her made her feel safe in a weird way. The frightening Queen had been on lookout ever since that horrible night and she had sworn to protect the two. Pixie had never thought that she would trust her vicious Queen the most, but here she was trusting her more than herself.

'Open the door yourself,' her voice called out as she took Loöys from the crib and held him close to her chest.

The door opened and revealed the pale woman dressed in a nightgown. 'A nightmare again?'

The raven-haired woman simply nodded before her hand touched the free space on the bed next to her. 'Will you sit with me?'

Dawna nodded before walking over to the other woman. Soon, she had climbed besides her and pulled the blanket over the two of them.

'Do you want to talk about it?' her voice eventually asked, causing tears to escape her dark eyes immediately.

'M-Mathias,' was all her voice said and it was more than enough to explain the situation. Pixie was going through a hell with the loss of her husband and soulmate and it was killing the both of them. 'I m-miss him so, so m-much.'

'I know you do.'

'It's just not fair,' the broken woman cried loudly as her hands clamped the little boy closer who was still sound asleep.

'It never is,' the pale woman spoke. 'You might feel like shit now, but those nightmares will stop and eventually you will feel safe again.'

'Will I ever stop missing h-him?'

'Probably not,' Dawna answered honestly. 'Do you want me to hold Loöys for a second so you can really cry without holding back for his sake.'

Slowly, she gave her new-born to the other woman. It took her less than a second to break down immensely in the ugliest way possible. Tears ran down her face as she pulled her knees up and buried her head in her hands. Loud and desperate cries left her lips while her body started to shake intensely. The only sound that filled the room were her cries and the sound of her breaking heart.

'W-Why?' her voice asked. 'Why him? Why n-now? W-Why?'

'Because life is not fair,' the Queen answered. 'I am not going to tell you that this is a fucked-up sign that you were not supposed to be together because that will hurt you even more. Your husband was killed, there is nothing more and nothing less to it. Eventually you will learn to live with this but right now you must endure the pain in order for it to get better.'

Queen DawnaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora