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Dawna: 24
Pixie: 21

Always trust your gut. It knows what your heart hasn't figured out yet - unknown.

The pale Queen sat with her hands in her hair at the head of the table, watching the man explain their theories. Some were even more ridiculous then others, yet the Queen listened to them all. Dawna had been searching for the manic that killed Mathias all those weeks ago. He or she was still out there and the thought that this person would come back to kill the little boy and his mother too made her heart ache in a strange way. She would never admit it out loud, but the thought that there was someone out there over whom she had no control whatsoever killed her slowly. The pale Queen loved being in control and she certainly loved being the most powerful creature in the realm.

'Alright, alright,' her irritated voice sneered. 'Your theory is awful; whoever is the killer must have had a good reason. He or she did not murder her because he wanted to steal their money; it cannot have been that. Something else is going on here and I wish to know what, so think harder and search better!'

Not knowing who it frustrated the pale woman endlessly. If there really was a maniac on the loose then she had to do something to stop him. The only person allowed to take lives from innocent people was the Queen herself.

All of a sudden, a soft knock filled the room causing the white-haired woman to turn her face at the door while a sigh left her lips. She really was not in the mood for another idiot with an even stupider theory. All the pale woman wanted was to find whoever responsible and continue with her life on top of the food- and power chain.

'Come in!'

Slowly, Pixie walked through the door with a frown in her head. 'Sorry to interrupt, but I heard you saying Mathias' name and I want to help. He was my husband and I knew him better than anyone. Perhaps I can help you. You can help me by finding whoever is responsible so it will be a win-win situation.'

The young Queen frowned at her before a satisfied smirk appeared on her lips. 'You know what they say right; the more the merrier. So please, Pixie, do take a seat and tell us what you think happened that night.'

Pixie slowly sat down besides her Queen, looking shyly at the others who were all dressed in fancy suits and dresses. 'Well, I think that it was an ambush.'


'And I think that it was someone unfamiliar,' the dotted woman spoke, causing many frowns to appear in many foreheads. 'If it had been someone familiar the kill would have been differently. He was strangled, but I believe that someone he knew would most likely kill him off in a quicker way.'

'Not necessarily, but I like the way you think,' the pale woman complimented her. 'So, a stranger with a bloodlust. What else you got?'

'Well, I think that someone paid the killer to do it.'

'So a serial killer or just any killer who does crimes for a reasonable price,' the white-haired woman spoke with a little twinkle in her blue eyes. 'Do you hear this guy? Now this, this is interesting. So, let us assume that someone wanted your husband dead and indeed paid someone do to the dirty work. Who would it be?'

'That's just the thing,' the dotted woman spoke before swallowing visibly. 'I can't imagine anyone who would want to do him harm. Mathias was a good man and an even better father. He didn't have a second agenda or whatever and he had no ghosts from his past. So, that got me thinking: what if someone did this to hurt me?'

Dawna got a wide smile on her lips as she leaned forwards. 'Now we are talking!' she cooed happily. 'Do you have a dark past then? An ex-boyfriend that wants revenge because you broke up with him and smashed his heart to pieces or perhaps a teacher that you upset and got fired. The endless possibilities here are killing me!'

Queen DawnaWhere stories live. Discover now