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! Dawna: 22 !
Pixie: 19

No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne
One of these days a comin', I'm gonna to take that boys crown
Valerie Broussard; A Little Wicked

A year after the realm had to mourn the death of their future King Rafferty (who had died from a mysterious illness) the King himself died. He had been weak and incredibly sick for far too long. His heart had stopped beating as his lungs had stopped breathing. The young Princes was not upset whatsoever about her fathers death. If anything; she felt relieved.

Now that he was gone, she would be crowned Queen. There would no longer be a man that could control her nor hold her down. It would be her, her cat and her aunt against everyone who had ever doubted her.

As the sun crept away behind the mountains and showed its sunrays the Princes made herself ready to get dressed. The coronation would begin at noon, but there was no time to waist.

'I cannot believe that it is finally time, Auntie,' the pale woman admitted. 'I am going to be Queen after all.'

A smile played on Delphiniums thin lips as her amber eyes watched her niece getting dressed. 'You have absolutely deserved your place, my dear. This day is yours and yours alone. You do not need that piece of garbage that called himself your husband by your side.'

Her aunt had taken her place next to the pale woman who was admiring herself in the mirror.

'You are the most beautiful woman in this realm and today everyone will see that.'

'Do you think so?' Dawna doubtfully asked. 'What if the rebels have planned another assessment?'

'Now, now, do not worry your pretty mind about that; no one will get a change to lay a finger on you today.'

'Are you absolutely sure?'

'As sure as I have ever been,' the blonde woman reassured her. 'Shall we put on that beautiful dress now?'

Dawna would be wearing a gorgeous silver dress to her coronation. The dress had lace sleeves, a wide skirt and a tight body that hugged her figure perfectly. The body of the dress had the family weapon (a large flame) embroidered in it with black tread.

If she had not already felt like a true Queen, the dress would have made sure of it. Dawna looked absolutely stunning; the only thing that was missing now was her crown.

The coronation started at dust; many people had been celebrating and honouring the girl who would become their new Queen by eating a most delicious meal provided by the Queen herself and by drinking lots of alcohol.

The alcohol would make sure that no one could think clearly enough to even think about assassinating Dawna.

The coronation would take place in the ballroom where two thrones stood proudly. Only the most important people were there on this important day. The room itself was decorated by hundredths of candles that floated in the air but the flame that offered the light was not yet there.

By the thrones stood the pastor and Delphinium, waiting for the Princes to walk over the gorgeous silver carpet. The room had been filled with the richest men and women whose eyes looked around with astonishment.

Soon, a soft almost eerie instrument started to play. At first, Looky was the only one who seemed to enter the room. The black and white cat walked proudly with his snout up in the air and a satisfied twinkle in his green eyes. Looky was soon followed by the future Queen herself.

Once Dawna had entered the room all the candles were lit on fire with just one snap in her fingers. Soft gasps filled the air as the pale Princes walked towards her crown. As she kneeled in front of the priest many people pushed each other aside in order to see what was happing better.

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