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Dawna: 17
Pixie: 14

The people can be forced to fear, but not to love - Steve Berry

'I demand to see my daughter this instant!' the loud voice of the King sneered, echoing through the entire castle. His words had not escaped the Princes ears, yet she made no effort whatsoever to move from the comfortable spot by the window.

The now seventeen-year old Princes had grown to be quite a breath-taking woman. With a skin as white as the snow, hair even whiter and eyes so blue even the brightest ocean could not beat she was a miraculous young woman. Not so long ago her father had demand to see the best doctor in town; who had then determined a diagnose for her paleness. Her skin made no pigment, which simply meant that her skin would stay this white forever and that she would burn the moment she walked in the sun. It did not bother the young Princes too much though, most of her time she spent inside the castle walls. Talking walks with her auntie, talking to boring counsellors, trying to learn from her ancestors books and notes about the kingdom and last but not least petting her beloved Looky. The King had made it pretty clear over the years that he was noting near pleased with the thought that one day his daughter would take over the throne. He had set up multiple dates for her and much older men; in the hope that they would fall in love and get married. However, they never did, and Dawna would always sent them away. Sometimes the men were too stubborn too leave, but the teenager would always find a way to scare them so badly that they eventually left without looking back.

'Where are you?' her fathers voice sounded once more, causing Looky to wake up from the deep sleep he had been in.

Dawna saw no reason why she would stand up and go to her father. He was in a bad temper, again, and she simply did not want to let him ruin her quiet afternoon. The pale girl had been spending her day so far with Looky curled up in her lap next to the window that offered a view of part of their Kingdom.

The footsteps became louder and Dawna knew that he would find her eventually. The King always did.

'Looky, you have to listen to me,' her soft voice whispered to the fury animal. 'You may not attack my father. I know that he is having a bad attitude again, but you must not hurt him. Understood?'

The yellowish eyes of the cat looked up as if to answer her question, before placing his sleepy head back on her lap. Dawna had learnt to control the anger and aggression that occasionally snapped in Looky. She knew almost exactly what to say or what to do to prevent him from attacking anyone, she knew what to do if he attacked the wrong person and she knew what to say if she wanted him to attack someone. It was relatively easy; he protected her from all the people that meant to hurt her, and she prevented him from being thrown out of the castle by all the animal haters.

'There you are!' his angry voice was now closer than ever. 'Did you not hear me call you out?'

'Oh but I did,' the young woman spoke, simply shrugging her shoulder. 'I just did not think that it mattered. You would find me eventually.'

'That is no way to speak to your King,' he hissed, his anger only growing by her ignorance.

'You are absolutely right, your Majesty, it is not. I was not talking to the King but to my father, you know, the man you are supposed to be.'

A silence fell, one that was painful enough to make her chest tighten up. It was true though, ever since her beloved brother Damien had died things had changed. Their father did not smile anymore, his eyes would never light up the way they did. All he did was plotting theories and talking to counsellors and nobility. They never had their supper together anymore; they never did anything, except for discussing official business, together anymore.

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