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Dawna: 21
Pixie: 18

I'm gonna catch ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya
I wanna taste the way that you bleed,
You're my kill of the night
Kill of the Night; Gin Wigmore

'Where is that pig who dares to call himself my husband?!'

The maids all looked up in fear as their Princes stormed through the halls. Dawna, who was now twenty-one-years old had recently found out that Rafferty had cheated on her with a girl that was far too young for her.

The pale woman had wasted no time. She would find her husband and he would pay for what he had done to her.

After they had lost their firstborn Dawna had been forced to have sex with the man multiple times. They were to have an heir before their coronation. Since her father had fallen ill months ago there had been an extra pressure resting on their shoulders.

If they would not produce an heir, the rebels would have yet another raison to want them dead. An unstable monarchy was a call for trouble.

But now that Dawna knew about her husbands unfaithfulness there would never be an heir; Rafferty would not walk around freely anymore.

Eventually, the pale Princes found her unfaithful husband. He had been in a meeting with important looking nobility when she had entered the room. Directly, every man in the room bowed for her; everyone expect for one.

'My dear, how can I help you?' he asked her, unaware of the fact that his mistress was already locked up in the dungeons.

'There has been an awful emergency that you must address to this instance,' the future Queen spoke with a fake worry in her voice. 'Please, it really is serious. Otherwise I would have never interrupted your meeting.'

A sign left her Pig of a husbands lips before he excused himself from the group. 'This better be dead serious then,' he hissed in her ear before he grabbed her hand and dragged his wife out of the room.

Well, it would most certainly involve death.

'If you are going to treat me like a dog again you should know that the emergency is in the basement.'

The man with the brown eyes raised his eyebrows at her words. 'The basement? You mean where the dungeons are?'

'Unless you have moved the dungeons to another place than that is exactly what I mean,' Dawna sneered before she freed herself from his strong grip. 'Come on, before we are too late.'

The pair hurried to the darkest place of the castle. Rafferty had no idea what he would find in there; this thought alone made the woman smirk satisfied. It was time for him to pay for all the unkind things that he had ever said to her; it was time for him to pay for the fact that he had been such a horrible and unfaithful husband. No one hurt the Queen without paying for it.

'What should I see in here?' Raff asked whilst looking around the dark room. The lights switched on and revealed the poor girl being tied to the ceiling. The rope around her wrists were so tight that her thin skin had opened up, whereupon blood was slipping through the openings.

Finally, her fake husband noticed his lovers presence. His brown eyes got bigger as he looked at the younger woman in shock.

'Raff,' the brunette called out for him once her dark eyes had noticed him. 'Raff, leave! Now!'

Her words were of no use. The white-haired girl closed the door behind her without even lifting a finger. The mischievous smirk that played her lips was unstoppable.

Queen DawnaWhere stories live. Discover now