Word of thanks

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Hello there!

If you are reading this then it must mean that you have finished the story. For this I thank you. I do hope that you enjoyed it.

I have finished this story during my Summer Holiday and I cannot tell you how happy I am that I have actually finished it. Writing this was a way to spend all the free time I had, but this does not mean that I did not enjoy it. Because I sure did.

Once again, I would like to thank you for taking your precious time to read my book. I cannot tell you how much your support means to me. Whether or not you left a comment, whether or not you voted or whether you just read it, is does not really matter. Your support means the world to me, no matter what.

I am most likely going to write another part of this book series, but since school is starting in less than two weeks, I cannot predict how long this will take me. Especially since I do not want to publish separate parts but the entire story in one time (like I did this time). So, know that there is going to become a part two. I just do not know when or how.

This is the last time that I will thank you (for now). Please know that I appreciate every one of you and that you can always leave a message on my profile or send a message to me personally. I always love hearing from you!

That was it for now, hopefully I will see or hear from you later.

Lots and lots of love.


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