15 1 0

Dawna: 24
Pixie: 21

Sometimes, the person you'd take a bullet for end up being the one behind the gun - unknown

Furious was a big deficiency for what the pale Queen was currently feeling. Her blood was boiling, the vein in her neck was popping up dangerously and she had lit half the garden in fire within five minutes. Dawna had never been one to deal with emotions rightly, especially not after the first magical outbreak she had had all those years ago.

A loud scream left her lips while she broke a few vases that were very expensive. The upset woman could not care less at that point, however. All she felt was the awful feeling of betrayal and hurt. How could she have been so damn blind? How was it possible that she had not seen the similarities in Semuals and Pixies faces?

The pale woman destroyed a few statues and blew the entire shed away before she was allowed to breath for a second. Looky had been watching her from afar with judgement in his greenish eyes, yet the young Queen could not bring herself to care about this. All she wanted to do was hurt someone as bad as she was aching, but that would not help this time. Nothing would help.

'Your majesty?' a soft and scared voice asked, causing the angry woman to turn around only to find a young man looking at her. 'The baby won't stop crying and they told me to get you. They have tried everything they could be he just won't stop.'

'Fine,' the pale woman hissed, deciding in the moment not to hurt the boy. 'Come on Looky'

It turned out that the little boy indeed could not stop weeping. His loud screams could be heard from the beginning of the long hallway, which made the pale woman feel slightly worried. His mother may have been a treasonous monster, but that did not necessarily mean that her son was as well.

'Hush there, little bean,' the pale woman spoke as she carefully grabbed the child from his crib. 'Now you have to stop crying, alright. Be a good boy and stop those fake tears, you have been fed, you have not pooped nor peed, and you really should be sleeping. That is right, you heard me young man.'

Her voice always went a tone higher and became even more childish when she spoke to the baby boy, she so adored. His cries slowly died as the Queen sung him a lullaby and rocked him back and forward.

'You see?' her childish voice asked. 'This is much better.'

The Queen had dismissed the nannies and took Loöys over to her room where she sat on the couch with him in her arms. He looked so much like his mother with his light brown skin colour, his very short, yet dark hair and the look in his eyes was the same too. They both looked like fighters who saw the world in the best light at all time. Loöys would probably turn out to be just as sarcastic and optimistic as his mother.

'Your mama did a very bad thing, you know,' the pale woman whispered while rocking him. 'Very bad indeed.'

The little boy looked at her with his big orange eyes and smiled, not knowing where she was talking about since he could not understand anything at that point yet. An unfamiliar feeling crept in her bloodstream and spread itself through her entire body within seconds. It was guilt; guilt for making the lovely boy in her arms an orphan like herself. Dawna had never really had anyone besides her auntie and growing up that was tough for her. Now, she could not picture herself growing up any other way, but that was all afterwards. During her childhood she had been lonely many nights and it was hard to watch others who did have a mother and a father who took time for them and were alive.

Dawna had never cared before about making a child an orphan, but this time it was different. This time she knew the boy and she knew the parents. Had it not been her sworn duty to protect Pixie from the maniac that wanted to kill her? Now, that maniac would be her aunt who was so determined to make her pay for what she had done to Dawna. However, for once in her life the pale woman did not feel that way. She loved the feeling of a good kill and she enjoyed watching the life leave someones eyes. Yet, she could not even bring herself to the shooting of someone who used to be her best friend.

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