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!! Pixie: 5 !!
Dawna: 8

I once said my heart is for the taking
Only for someone to come and break it
The Overslept; Figure it out

'Mama? What is going on?' a very sleepy Pixie asked while her hands tried to rub the sleep away from her eyes. 'Where is papa?'

The five-year-old raven-haired girl woke up with the sound of crying children and loud male voices that shouted angrily. Pixie had noticed that her mama, oma and brother and sister where home; her papa on the other hand was not.

'Mama why do I hear people crying?'

'It's okay, darling,' her mother answered kindly before she pulled her daughter on her lap. 'Oma and I are here to make sure that nothing bad happens to you.'

'What about papa?' the dotted girl asked with a shaking voice.

Her dark brown eyes had seen how the dark night had been lit up by many flames that burned forcefully. The little girl had also seen how her papa had left the house with a strange uniform on and a worried look in his dark eyes.

'Mama I am scared, where is papa?'

Her sweet mama never answered the question. Instead, she hold her daughter so close to her chest that Pixie could hear her heart beat a little too fast. Something bad was happening outside the safe walls of their small house and everyone knew it.

Hours later the door swung open. Pixie, who had almost fallen asleep woke up instantly and tried to hide desperately behind her mothers safe back.

'Sem!' her mother's relieved voice sounded, causing the little dotted girl to peek behind her back.

Her father had entered their home again, still dressed in the weird clothes. Blood stains decorated his clothes and his eyes looked horrified.

'Lieverd, come and sit down. Will you? I will fetch you some tea.'

She noticed how her father sat down and laid a large knife on the table. The weapon was covered in blood, causing the five-year old to shiver in fear. What had happened? Why was her father dressed like that and why was he covered in blood?

For the first time the little girl was too afraid to ask her father those questions. In fact, she did not even dare to come anywhere near him.

'What happened?' the oldest woman in the house asked with concern in her voice. 'Semual, what happened?'

'I-I,' her father stuttered with a lost look on his face. 'I-It took a w-wrong turn, I suppose. This wasn't meant to happen. It shouldn't have happened. We wanted to t-take down the K-King, not h-him. We weren't supposed to k-kill an innocent. I-It's m-my fault. She w-will kill me, s-she will haunt us down. It's all my fault.'

Pixie got even more scared at the sound of her fathers words. What had happened? Her small heart shrunk at the thought of her father taking the life of an innocence. He would never do such thing, right?

'Semual, try to calm down.'

Pixie was the only child left in the room; her brother and sister had left hours ago. The little, dotted girl could not sleep, however. So, she stayed to wait for her father while they were all digging in the unknown.

Her mother came back in the room and placed four cups of hot tea on the table. Her hands undid her father from his uniform, leaving him almost bare in the room. The red-haired man had cuts all over his chest. The blood that escaped them painted his chest in a colour that matched his hair.

'I killed him. I killed him. It's my fault. I did it. It was me. We are all going to die. I dug our grave. I'm so, so sorry,' the only man in the room kept mumbling over and over again, until he became aware of his daughters presence. 'I'm so sorry, Pixie. I'm so sorry. I would never hurt you, you know, that right? I love you so much, my little girl. I love you. I love you.'

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