Chapter 3: Feelings Rise

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You, " I'm gonna go and tell the boys that I am stealing you for a few minutes."
Oliver, " No."
You, " Too bad."
You walk into Taco Bell again.
Sebastian, " Geez what did you say to the girl?"
Diego, " Yeah she's been grumpy ever since."
You, " I just cock blocked her."
Diego burst out laughing.
Sebastian, " I knew that's what he was up to, I really wish he would stop."
You, " Yeah about that I am gonna steal Oliver for a few to have a good talk to him and try to whoop him into shape."
Diego, " Good luck with that."
Sebastian, " Yeah good luck, he doesn't even listen to me."
You, " I'm still give it a try."
Seb shrugs.
You walk out and go to Oliver.
You, " Lets go."
Oliver," You can't make me."
You, " You wanna test that?"
Oliver crosses his arms.
You, " Aww what a big baby you are crossing your arms."
You grab Oliver's hand, pulling him with you.
You could see a little smirk come from Oliver's face.
Oliver, " So why did you take me here?"
You, " Uhm, who doesn't love to sit by a lake?"
Oliver, " I guess you got me there."
You, " Exactly, now sit."
You both sit on the dock and you take your shoes and socks off and dip your feet in the water.
You, " Okay now, Why do you want to be known as an f boy?"
Oliver," I don't want to be known as that."
You. " That's what is sounds like."
Oliver sighs.
Oliver, " I really don't, I just don't see any love in anybody."
You, " So you don't believe in love?"
Oliver, " Nope."
You, " There has to be a reason."
Oliver was quite.
You, " You wanna talk about it?"
Oliver, " No."
You, " It'll be good to get it off your chest though.."
Oliver, " Fine, if it's gets you to shut up."
You," I mean there's other ways to get me to shut up, but this works best."
Olivers eyes sparkle.
Oliver, " Alright well, I did have an actual girlfriend."
You gasp, " No, bad boy Oli had a girlfriend before, he truly has a heart somewhere inside his stone body."
Oliver, " Oh ha ha. Nah for real though, she was everything to me.. I was even about to quit my skateboarding dream just to be with her."
You, " Oh wow."
Oliver, " Things was going on such a good tune, until she found out she was pregnant. I was honestly happy to be a father if it was with her. I wanted a family with her. She was amazing."
You, " That sounds cute."
Oliver, " Yeah.. but when she had the child this other guy came to the hospital.. he came up to me and asked how she and the baby was."
You, " I don't like how this is going."
Oliver, " Long story short, the guy thought he was the father and when it came down to it he was indeed the father."
You, " So you left?"
Oliver, " No actually.. I loved her so much that I was gonna stay with her and still play as the father of the baby.. but she completely kicked me out."
You, " Oh no.. I'm so sorry."
Oliver, " Don't be it wasn't your fault. How about you?"
You, " What about me?"
Oliver, " Have you had a boyfriend yet?"
You, " Yeah.."
Oliver," Than why are you traveling the world?"
You, " I, myself, have gone through a bad experience with my relationship and so now I just want to live my dream on skateboarding and than actually finding the one for me later in due time."
Oliver, " What happened?"
You, " You really want to know?"
Oliver, " Well I mean I told you my story so I only see it as a fair trade."
You, " Alright than.. well long story short for me as well, he cheated on me.."
Oliver, " How did you find out?"
You, " He came home one day with a baby. I was so confused on why,but I just thought it was just like a new baby born family member, but than the women came in and he packed his things and left with her."
Oliver, " He didn't say a single word to you?"
You, " He didn't know I was home actually.."
Oliver, " So you just let them go without saying a single word to them."
You, " Did you call your ex and that guy out?"
Oliver was silent.
You, " I didn't think so. That'll just cause so much more drama."
Oliver sighs, " Yeah I see your point."
You," So you don't think you'll ever find love again?"
Oliver, " I don't really want to find love again."
You, " Not all girls are the same though."
Oliver, " They all seem it though. They all fall at my feet and so that's why it's easy to hit and run."
You, " That's not a good thing though. Don't you ever stop and think if you got more than one of these girls pregnant that you would than have to pay out tons of money, might even have to end up staying with a girl either way."
Oliver, " No.. I never thought of it like that."
You, " You really should or you could like catch something."
Oliver, " There's these things called condoms though, you know."
You, " Yeah, but that doesn't always work."
Oliver, " Maybe."
You sigh.
Oliver, " Its getting pretty hot out here."
You, " Nah it's just me."
Oliver, " Are you sure it's you?"
You, " Ha, your funny."
You than take your shirt off.
Oliver, " Ohhh that's how you wanna play?"
You, " Nah it's just hot, like me."
You wink at Oliver.
Oliver than stands up and takes his shirt off.
You, " Oh okay okay."
You couldn't help to stare.. Oliver was actually really good looking.
Oliver, " I knew I was the hot one here."
You, " OH that's how you wanna play."
You slowly take your shorts off.
Oliver, " I give you props."
You smile and run and jump in the water.
You, " Come on don't be a scary cat, the water is fine."
Oliver, " Cats don't like water."
You, " Alright chicken."
Oliver, " Oh no you just didn't call me that."
Oliver walks to the edge of the boardwalk and takes his ripped jeans off and than jumps into the water.
You, " See you're not melting."
Oliver laughs.
You gasp, " Is that a laugh I hear."
Oliver splashes water at you.
You, " Looks like I succeeded today."
Oliver, " Succeeded at being annoying."
You, " Ha ha you're having a good time, admit it."
Oliver, " I'm sorry I can't."
You, " And why not?"
Oliver, " Because you need to admit that I'm the hot one here first."
You, " Alright 'Daddy' you're hot as fire, I'm surprised the water doesn't put you out."
Oliver smirks, " Hot as fire eh?"
You roll your eyes.
Oliver, " I'd really listen to Diego about the rolling your eyes."
You, " Oh what are you gonna do?"

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