Chapter 6: Oliver's House

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Oliver, " You wanna come over y/n? "
You, " Sure. "
Diego, " Ooooo. "
Oliver, " Diego shut up or you won't be coming over tonight. "
Diego, " Finnnneeee. "
Oliver, " Good. "
You guys walk to the moy house.
You, " Wow, nice place. "
Oliver, " Thanks, now come with me please."
Oliver grabs your hand and pulls you softly.
You, " Okay, okay. "
Diego, " Oooo, have fun you two love birds."
Sebastian rolls his eyes.
Oliver, " Diego."
Diego, " Fine.. fine."
You giggle.
Oliver takes you to his room.
Oliver, " You keep giggling like that I'll have to kiss you."
You, " Than just kiss me."
Oliver, " Oh you feisty girl."
You giggle again.
Oliver, " What was that?" " Did I hear that correctly? "
You smirk.
Oliver walks slowly closer to you. He looks into your arms and smiles. He than slowly brings his head closer and kisses you softly.
You smile while kissing him.
He puts his hands on your waist and slides them up and down them.
You jump on him.
He smiles.
He carries you to the bed as he softly puts you down on it and stays on top of you, kissing you.
Oliver," You're so addictive."
You, " So aren't you."
He smirks and takes your shirt off with his hands and teeth.
He gives you kisses from your lips, to your neck, Than your chest to your stomach.
You smirk.
You, " I have an idea if you wanna tease."
Oliver, " What's that?"
You flip over so you're on top now.
You, " Firstly let's get rid of this."
You take his shirt off.
You, " And now I'm gonna tease how you did.... only better." You wink at him.
Oliver, " I wouldn't do that if I were you."
You, " Watch me."
You kiss Oliver on his lips, chin,neck,chest,stomach.
You, " Ohhh what's this?"
Oliver's eyes widen.
You, " Does your friend want to come out to play?"
Oliver cheeks goes red.
You, " Oh my did I just make the bad boy blush."
Oliver, " Whaaaat. Nooo."
You smirk and lean down low.
Oliver, " Y/n."
You lean lower.
Oliver, " Y/n I swear."
You than bite to untie his sweats.
Oliver, " Please."
You than bite his pants and start to pull his pants down when your lip accidently glides across his ..... yah.
Oliver, " Oh you've done it now."
He got on top of you.
Sebastian knocks, " Bro mom wants you."
Oliver, " Dang, I'm not done with you."
He puts his shirt back on and slides his pants back up and unlocks the door and goes out.
(2 minutes later)
You, " Wow that was quick. "
Sebastian, " False alarm just me."
You thought, ohh my luckily I still have the blanket on.
You, " Oh hi Sebastian."
Seb, " Are you cold?"
You, " Just a tad."
Seb, " I'll get you another blanket."
You, " Oh no it's okay really."
Seb, " You sure?"
You, " Yeah, thank you anyways."
Seb, " You're welcome. Sounds like Oli is coming back so I'll go."
You, " I'll see you soon."
Seb face lights up, " Okay."
Oliver, " Where were we?"
You, " Hmm idk, maybe you'll need to remind me again."
Oliver, " Oh really?"
You, " Mhmm."
Oliver locks the door again and gets back on top of you and kisses you again.
You smile.
Oliver, " You're beautiful when you smile."
You blush a bit.
Oliver, " Aww is my baby blushing."
You, " Your baby?"
Oliver, " Yup."
Oliver kisses you and takes his shirt off again.
He than puts his teeth on your shorts and slowly slides them off.
You, " Now I see what you mean."
He smirks.
He than does the same thing with your underwear and than he takes his off.
You, " Hey that's no fair, I wanted to tease you with those as well."
Oliver, " Next time babygirl."
He starts to go in and out while kissing you so you could moan very loud.
You bite his lip.
He picks up the speed.
(45 minutes)
Oliver, " I know we just met, but dang babygirl."
You, " I know.."
Oliver, " I'm hooked."
You smile, " I am to."

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