Chapter 13: The fight

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You walk around and found a bathroom and so you sat in there for what felt like a good 20 minutes just thinking to yourself until you heard a fight break down.

You open up the door and saw these two girls fighting.
They seemed to be fighting over Sebastian.
Girl 1, " He will mine."
Girl 2, " He's too hot for you."
You looked at Sebastian who looked upset.
You sigh and walk up to Sebastian hugging him.
Girl 2, " Who do you think you are?"
Oliver walks in from behind you  ( you didn't know.)
You, " I am his girlfriend now leave him alone."
Sebastian blushes a bit.
Girl 1, " Your his girlfriend? Ha prove it."
You roll your eyes and looked at Seb.
You than slowly get closer to him and kiss him on the lips.
It wasn't as bad as you thought it would have been.
His lips was actually really soft and you seemed to enjoy kissing him.
Oliver walked up and told the girls to leave.
Oliver than turns around and looks at you and Sebastian.
You felt your heart hurting from the fact that Karen was holding his hand.
Oli, " Sooo you two huh?"
You, " Yup."
Karen, " See I told you she never truly liked you."
Oli, " I don't care, I got my girl back."
He walks off without a care in the world.
You, " I'm gonna go home."
Seb, " Why?"
You, " I can't handle this right now."
Seb, " Y/n."
You looked at him.
Seb puts his hand in your cheek, " It'll be okay."
You half smile.
Seb, " I know my brother is being a jerk right now, but I know if he truly had feelings for you he will come back, if not then he doesn't see the true you."
You sniffle, " Thanks Seb."
Sebastian smiles, " Anything for you."
You smile at Seb, " You know what you're right. I shouldn't be getting all sad and mushy over a guy again. I shouldn't have  gotten close to him in the first place so quick."
You dance with Seb on the dance floor until you got really tired.
Seb, " You wanna come over?"
You, " Sure."
You hop in Sebs car and you guys drive to his house.
Ofcourse Oliver was already there.
You and Sebastian walk in the house and you saw Oli past out on the couch with Karen on top of him taking his shirt off.
Sebastian, " Uhh what are you doing with my brother?"
Karen, " I'm making him comfy."
Seb, " Uh huh. Get out."
Karen, " I am his girlfriend I will not get out."
Oliver than holds her hand ( still sleeping), " Stay."
Karen, " See he wants me to stay."
Sleeping Oli, " Please stay y/n."
Karen, " He obviously meant me."
Your heart starts pounding... maybe he does still have feelings for me?
Sebastian, " Go."
You walk over to Oli and touch his cheek.
Karen, " Hey don't touch my boyfriend."
Oliver opens his sleepy eyes a bit and says your name with a smile.
You, " Hi, we need to get you to bed okay?"
Oliver shakes his head yes and sits up.
Karen," Baby?"
Oliver ignores her and holds your hand and walks to his room.
You assumed Karen left because you heard a door shut and heard Sebastian go to his room.
Oliver lays in bed.
You take his shoes off and his jacket.
You went to walk to the door when Oliver says, " Please don't go."
He was so out of it...
You, " You have a girlfriend though."
Oliver, " I don't love her like I love you."
You, " Than why didn't you date me?"
Oliver, " Because I'm scared you will leave me."
He falls back to sleep.
You sigh and walk to the door you open it when Oliver calls for you again to stay.
You honestly felt so bad for Sebastian, but you sighed and shut the door. You took your shoes off and your jacket and layed next to Oli.
Oliver rolls over facing you and cuddles you.
You eventually fell to sleep.

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