Chapter 16: Hungry Hippos

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You, " Oh no no no, Mcdonalds starts lunch at 11 so we want lunch. "

Oli rolls his eyes, " Fine. "

Seb high fives you and you both hop into the car.


Oliver drives to Starbucks.

You, " OLI! We said Mcdonalds. "

Oli, " Just because you two want McDonald's, doesn't mean I can't get my Starbucks first."

You roll your eyes, " Fine. "

Oli parks and walks into Starbucks to get his things.

Seb, " Do you ever wonder what it would be like now if you never came here? "

You, " Honestly I've never thought of that. "

Seb, " I picture Oli still being the player he is. "

You, " What about you? "

Seb, " What about me? "

You, " What would you be doing if I never came into your life? "

Seb, " To be honest I'd probably still be in my room with nothing to do and no one to hang out with. "

You, " What about Diego? "

Seb, " Eh, he's mostly Oli' s friend. "

You, " You both seem pretty close though. "

Seb, " Only when Oli doesn't want anything to do with him. "

You, " Oh? You have no one else? "

Seb, " Negative. "

You looked up at the mirror to see Seb. He looked upset so you turned around to look at him and you placed your hand on top of his.

You, " It's okay. I am right here in your life.. You won't be alone anymore. "

Seb half smiles.

You turned around and noticed Oli was coming back.

( Seb thinks; Yeah, but when you and my brother become official again, I'll most likely be alone still. )

Oliver, " Alright. "

You, " Are you proud of yourself? "

Oli, " What you mean? "

You, " I meannnn, are you proud of yourself that you are making your brother and I wait longer to eat while you get to sit there eating and drinking coffee? "

Oli, " Hey you're the ones who want McDonald's. Not my fault Starbucks is closer. "

You roll your eyes and looked out the windows to the right of you.

Oli giggles and continues to drive.

You guys finally arrived at McDonalds. You and Sebastian get what you guys want and than you guys take off to the restaurant that Karen works at.

By the time you guys got to the restaurant you and Seb had finished all of your food.

Oli, " Pigs. "

You, " Excuse me? "

Seb clears his throat, " Who was the one that ate up every last bit of the food that we had left? "

You, " Seb has a point. "

Oli, " Oh hush. "

You, " That makes you the pig. "

Oli giggles, " Fine. "

You smile.

Oli, " Alright, you both stay in here, I want to do this by myself so there won't be any more drama happening. "

You, " If you think that's best than fine. "

Oliver gets out of his car and walks into the restaurant.

Seb, " Hey do you think if we were to cover our faces somehow we could go in and act as customers? "

You, " Hungry again? "

Seb, " Maybe... "

You, " Lets try it. "

You both put on sunglasses. Sebastian puts his hood up and you wrap a scarf around your face.

You, " Ready? "

Seb, " Ready. "

You both get out of the car and walk into the restaurant.

The moment you both set foot through the doors you heard screaming and crying, but you guys did your best to play it off and walked to the cashier.

Cashier, " May I take your order? "

Seb orders.

You than walk a tad closer and order.

Cashier, " Sorry what did you say? I can't really hear you with the scarf covering your mouth. "

You sigh and pull the scarf down a little and you got half way through ordering when you hear someone call out your name. You thought; oh no she caught me. All of a sudden you felt someone... hugging you?

You didn't hug back, but you step backed to see who it was.

It was Nathan.

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