Chapter 21: The Day Before Championships

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Oliver, " What's more important than being here and eating dinner with me? "

You, " Uhh, nothing... " 

Oliver, " Than what got you drifting into space? " 

Oliver made a devilish smirk and you gulped, " Uhh... nothing important.. I was just.. uh.. thinking about something. " 

Oliver, " Thinking about? " 

You started to feel hot, " Is it getting hot in here? " 

Oliver, " Nah it's just you babygirl. " 

You take a sip of water. 

Oli, " Will you not tell me? "

You shake your head no. 

Oli, " Aww too bad.. I'd love to make whatever you was thinking come true. " 

You blushed as the waitress comes over with your food. You was like stuck in a trance or something because you just stayed still looking at Oliver as he slowly started to eat. 

Oliver, " Earth to y/n? "

You, " Yea? " 

Oliver, " Are you gonna eat? Or just be weird and watch me eat. " 

You, " Oh right. " 

You started to eat and pretended that nothing happened as Oliver giggled and continued eating. 

( After dinner ) 

Uncle, " That wasn't how I hoped it to be, but did everyone have a good dinner? " 

Seb, " I did. " 

Diego, " I did as well. " 

Oliver wraps his arm around your shoulder, " I know we did, thank you sir. " 

Uncle, " Of course Oliver, you're such a gentleman. I think you got a keeper on your hands there Y/n. " 

You blush, " That indeed I do. " 

Your uncle smiles at you as you all walk back to the car.

Uncle, " You all want to stay the night? " 

Diego, " OF COURSE! " 

You giggle.

Diego, " What? Your house is so cool. " 

Uncle, " Well thanks Diego. "

Diego, " Of course Mr. ( your last name ). "

Uncle, " Seb, Oli? " 

Oliver, " I'm down. " 

Seb, " If Oliver staying than I guess I will to. " 

Uncle, " Do you guys need a ride home to get clothing and such? " 

Oliver, " Actually, yes please. " 

Uncle, " Sure thing. " 

You guys arrived at the Moy house. 

Oliver, " Y/n would you please come in and help me pick out my outfit for tomorrow? "

You, " What? "

He looks you deep in your eyes and he bit his lip.

You, " Ohh sure. " 

You got out of the car and followed Oliver to the house. 

Sebastian yells, " Choose my clothing while you are at it, and grab another for Diego, we gotta look good for the championships tomorrow. " 

You rolls your eyes and smile as Oliver unlocks the door. You both walk in the house. You shut the door behind you as Oliver throws the keys on the counter and turn around and pushed you up against the door putting his hand on your cheek and looking you in your eyes. 

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