Chapter 14: Happiness

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Oliver rolls over facing you and cuddles you.
You eventually fell to sleep.
You wake up to an alarm going off.
You groan.
It stops and Oli gets out of bed.
Oliver gets dressed and you guess he than turns around and notices it was you because.
Oliver, " Y/n! "
You groan again, " Yes? "
Oliver, " What are you doing in my bed? "
You sigh, " You wanted me here. "
Oliver, " Why would I want you? "
You, " Ouch. "
Oliver, " Sorry I didn't mean it like that. "
You, " Clearly. "
Oliver, " I just mean that I'm dating Karen, so why would I want you to be here in my bed and not my girlfriend? "
You, " Uh,  well let's just say that your girlfriend.. Even though you might not believe me.. But she drugged you.. And was trying to do uh things to you.. But you was so out of it you said you wanted me. I brought you here to bed so you can be comfy and I was gonna go out, but you asked me to stay and so I did. "
Oliver, " Why would she drug me though? "
You, " I'm not sure honestly. "
Oli looks uncomfortable.
You, " Is there something you're not telling me? "
Oli, " Okay maybe I know why she would try to drug me. "
You, " And that is? "
Oli, " Well I won't put out for her. "
You grunt, " That's new. "
Oliver, " Hey. "
You giggle, " Sorry. "
Oliver, " I'm just not even sure why I don't. "
You, " Are you sure? "
Oli, " What you mean by that? "
You, " Well I mean when you was drugged like I said you wanted me.."
Oli, " I. "
You sigh.
Oli sighs to, " I guess I do still have feelings for you. "
You, " You guess? "
Oli walks closer to you, " Fine.. I do. "
You stand up and walk a tad closer to him, " Than why did you leave me for her in the first place. "
Oli, " She was my first love. "
You, " Yeah, but she hurt you. "
Oli, " I know, but people change. "
You, " Oh sweety that's only in the movies.. "
Oli, " I- I don't know, I just know she was indeed my first love and you never get over your first love. "
You walk closer to Oli and put your hand on his cheek, " Oliver.. I do get it. I know you always will have those feelings for your first love, because they were your first love..., but sweetie you really need to worry about your happiness. "
Oli, " My happiness? "
You, " Yes.. Yours. Not anybody else's just yours. "
He looks you in your eyes. He than kisses you.
You kiss him back.
He sighs, " You make me happy. "

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