Chapter 10: Bad Guy

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( Oliver's POV )
I can't believe I took the napkin.. Why did I take it.. My heart loves y/n..but Karen was my first love... Wait did I just say love? I mean likes it likes y/n...I love Karen.. But she's bad for me... But she's the reason why I am who I am today... She's a bad girl.... And I'm the bad boy...
He puts the number in his phone and texts Karen.
Oli: Hey
Karen: I knew you couldn't stay away from me that long.
Oli: What are you doing later tonight?
Karen: Nothing, why?
Oli: Can we meet at our old spot?
Karen: Give me 30 minutes?
Oli: Okay.
( back to your pov)
You, " What you wanna do Diego?"
Diego, " I'm not sure, but I'm getting a bad feeling about something."
You, " Do you need fresh air?"
Diego, " Yeah let's go for a walk."
You, " Okay."
You guys walk for a bit.
Diego, " I really do have a bad feeling."
You, " About what?"
Diego, " Oli."
You, " Wanna go back to his place?"
Diego," No I think I know where he is. We are almost there."
You, " Oh okay."
You guys walk a bit more.
Diego," Okay be very quite please."
You shake your head okay.
You guys tip toe to the place Diego wanted to see and sure enough there was Oliver..
And ofcourse he was with Karen..
She was getting awfully close to him and you felt a hint of jealousy kicking in. You wanted to just go up and punch her, but you didn't. You, yourself wanted to see where this was going.
Than all of a sudden you felt sick to your stomach. Oli was kissing Karen..
You felt your heart literally drop..
You fell to your knees and Diego turned around and held you so you wouldn't make any sound.
You whisper in Diego's ear, " You know what? I'm not doing this. He doesn't deserve to get away with this like my ex did."
Diego, " No y/n please don't."
You stood up and marched to them.
Oli, " Y/n?"
You, " Oli. Karen."
Karen, " Enjoying the show?"
You punch her in the face and you saw blood falling for her nose.
Karen, " I think you broke my nose."
You, " I'll do more than that."
Oliver, " What the heck y/n. Karen didn't deserve that."
You, " Oh so it's okay for her to cheat on you with MY boyfriend and now kissing you when we were a thing."
Diego, " I KNEW IT!"
Diego, " You guys are so cute! I was totally rooting for ( Your First initial) oliver."
Oliver, " We were never a thing."
You, " Excuse me?"
Oliver, " I never asked you to be my girlfriend."
Karen, " I don't even see why you would have her as your friend any way."
You, " You told me you loved me just yesterday."
Diego, " Wait he did?"
Oliver pauses, " Yes.. I- I did, but I still also love Karen."
Karen, " And I love you my bad boy."
You, " How can you possibly believe anything that comes out of her mouth? She cheated on you."
Oliver, " People can change."
You laugh, " Yeah okay, she was literally just hitting on Diego."
Karen, " Before I saw Oliver."
You, " Ohhh sure make up excuses."
Oliver, " I think you should go."
You, " What, you're for real?"
Oliver, " Yes."
You slap Oli and walk away.
Diego, " Dude, you're just gonna get your heart played."
Oliver, " You should go to."
Diego, " I'm not gonna argue with you, but I'm on Y/ns side."
Diego runs after you.
Diego, " Where are you going?"
You, " To Sebastian."

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