Chapter 8: Ice Cream

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You, " Oli? I thought I told you to spend some time with your little brother. "
Oliver, " He wanted to come to the park and watch you skate. "
You, " Ohh. " You walk over to Mateo and bend down, " Is this true? "
Mateo whispers in your ear, " I didn't say that, Oliver just wouldn't stop talking about you so I just suggested it to make him stop. "
You giggle, " Well you're in luck I'm just about to start skating. "
Mateo smiles. He sits down on a bench and watches you.
You do some skate tricks and such.
Mateo claps.
Mateo, " I wanna be a skateboarder when I grow up. "
Oli, " I thought you wanted to be a hot wheels driver? "
Mateo, " No I wanna be like Y/n. "
Oli, " Well I feel loved. "
You smile while still skating.
Mateo, " I wanna try. "
Oli, " Okay let's start simple first though. "
Mateo, " I'm not a baby. "
Oli, " I know, but I don't want you hurt. "
Mateo, " I won't get hurt. "
You stop skating, " Mateo, honey, when I first started I hurt myself all the time. "
Mateo, " It'll make me look like a bad boy like Oli though. "
You giggle, " Maybe, but that isn't everything you know. "
Mateo, " But Oli got you by being bad. "
You, " I know it might seem like that, but he didn't get me by being that and also he doesn't have me, we are just friends. "
Mateo, " Yeah, but didn't you guys become friends from Oli being bad? "
You, " No sweetie, we just became friends because we like the same things. "
Mateo, " Ohh. "
You smile, " You'll find a girl best friend soon I promise. "
Mateo hugs you, " Thank you. "
You, " Ofcourse. "
Oli, " Okay little man you still want to skate? "
Mateo, " Nahhh I want icecream. "
You, " I second that. "
Oli looks at you and back at Mateo, I guess icecream it is. "
Diego, " Did someone say ICE CREAM? "
You giggle.
Oli, " Yes we-"
Diego zooms by, " Ice cream! "
You, " Diego is such a cutie. "
Mateo, " Ooooo. "
You giggle, " I mean in like a funny way not a dating way. "
Mateo, " Yeah. "
You guys get ice cream and started eating it.
You, " Oop I accidently dropped some icecream. "
Oli, " Where? "
You, " Here. " You put the ice cream that was on your finger on his nose.
Mateo giggles which makes you smile.
Oli, " Heyyy that's not fair. "
You roll your eyes and kiss his nose.
Mateo, " Oh just date. "
Oli, " It's not that simple Mateo, I wish it was. "
Mateo, " Sure it is just ask them out.. Y/n will you go out with Oliver? "
Oli, " No bro it's only been a few days. "
Mateo, " And? Love is love. "
You was speechless and didn't know what to say.
Oli, " Not right now Mateo. "
Mateo, " Than when? -"

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