Chapter 7: Friendship

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You bite his lip.
He picks up the speed.
(45 minutes)
Oliver, " I know we just met, but dang babygirl."
You, " I know.."
Oliver, " I'm hooked."
You smile, " I am to."
Then someone knocks on the door.
Mateo, " Oli? "
Oliver under his breath, " Dang. "
You both quickly rush to dress.
Oliver opens the door, " Hey lil bro. "
Mateo, " Hi! Do you wanna play with me? " " Oh I didn't know you had a friend over. "
Oliver, " This is y/n. "
You, " Hi Mateo, you are so cute. "
Mateo, " Thank you. "
You smile, " You guys can play it's okay, I'll go for now. "
Oliver, " Do you really have to? "
You smile, " I'll be back, you spend time with your little brother, he deserves the attention. "
Mateo, " Thank you. "
You, " Of course hun. "
You walk down stairs.
Diego, " Where you rushing off to? Did big and bad Oli scare you. "
You giggle, " Nah I'm letting him have some time with his little brother. I'm gonna go back to the park. "
Diego, " Can I come? "
You, " Aw big and soft Seb scaring you? "
Diego, " Not gonna lie.. Yes. "
You giggle, " Alright let's go. "
You and Diego walked back to the park.
You get ready to skate.
Diego, " Are you sure you're up to joining our skate team? "
You, " Yeah, I was in one before. "
Diego, " Oh what happened, if you don't mind me asking? "
You, " Oh my boyfriends brother was the captain and where my boyfriend up and left, he kicked me out of the group. "
Diego, " Oh that stinks I'm sorry. "
You, " Nah it's okay.. If that stuff never happened than I wouldn't be here today. "
Diego, " That's true, but still no guy should just up and leave you. You seem like a kind and sweet woman, you of all people don't deserve that. "
You, " Yeah well.. He wanted a bunch of stuff I didn't.. Plus he was very abusive to me.. "
Diego, " He hit you? "
You, " No, but he did held me down once when we got into a fight.. He mostly Verbually abused me."
Diego, " So he called you names and such? "
You, " Yeah.. Mostly swear words, and made me look really bad in front of his parents. "
Diego shakes his head and hugs you, " You really don't deserve that. "
You sigh and tear a bit, while hugging him back.
You, " They was 3 years of my life down the drain... I don't know why I thought he loved me by abusing me.. How could I have been so stupid.. I guess he was right I am dumb."
Diego, " Oh no you are NOT dumb.. Don't listen to him, you're smart.. You just took a while to finally realized he was bad for you.. You was blinded by love and that is understandable because people get like that.. So don't think of yourself as dumb because you truly aren't. "
You sniffle, " Aww thank you Diego that really means so much to me to hear that right now, even if this happened 2 months ago.. "
Diego, " Of course, I know you're getting semi close to Oliver, but whenever you want to talk to anybody about anything even if it's Oliver or any of my other friends I will still listen to you.. I won't hate on you or them so please don't think that I just want to be there for people as much as I can.. And to me it seems like you really could use someone like that."
You, " I really could. "
Diego smiles and hugs you again, " Well I will always be here. "
Oliver, " Y/n are you okay? "
You, " Oli? I thought I told you to spend some time with your little brother. "
Oliver, " He wanted to come to the park and watch you skate. "
You, " Ohh. " You walk over to Mateo and bend down, " Is this true? "
Mateo whispers in your ear, " I didn't say that, Oliver just wouldn't stop talking about you so I just suggested it to make him stop. "
You giggle, " Well you're in luck I'm just about to start skating. "

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