Chapter 17: Ex Trouble

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Cashier, " Sorry what did you say? I can't really hear you with the scarf covering your mouth. "

You sigh and pull the scarf down a little and you got half way through ordering when you hear someone call out your name. You thought; oh no she caught me. All of a sudden you felt someone... hugging you?

You didn't hug back, but you step backed to see who it was.

It was Nathan.


You, " Nathan? "

Nathan, " Y/n! I have finally found you. "

You, " Found me? "

Nathan, " Yes, I was kidnapped by this women and I did all I could to make it back to you, my love. "

You, " Please don't call me that. " 

Nathan, " Why? You are my wife. " 

You, " No, no I am not. " 

Nathan, " What you mean? " 

You, " I mean, I am NOT your wife. " 

Nathan, " But why? " 

You, " Don't play the innocent card on me. I know that you up and left me on your free will. " 

Nathan, " No I didn't, I just told you I was kidnapped. " 

You, " I know you weren't. My secret stash was gone and you took everything of yours with you. If you was really 'kidnapped' they wouldn't have took all of your belongings. " 

Nathan, " Yes they would. " 

You, " Explain why they would take your belongings than. " 

Nathan, " Easy. They sold everything for cash. " 

You let out of laugh and Nathan stares at you. 

You, " Oh sorry, I just find this pretty funny. " 

Nathan, " You find me getting kidnapped and them selling my items, funny? " 

You, " You seem so sure of yourself. " 

Nathan, " That's because I am. " 

You, " Okay than how do you explain how I found out that you was with Karen and you guys was getting married? " 

Nathan, " Karen? That's what her name was I didn't know. " 

Karen than walks up with tears in her eyes with Oli walking beside her. 

Karen, " Oh give it up Nathan. " 

Nathan, " It's you! My kidnapper. " 

You burst out laughing.

Nathan, " What? Ya'll just gonna stand there and let her kidnap me again? " 

You, " First of: You are a man... or well you're suppose to be. Secondly: stop coming up with all of these excuses I am NOT coming back to you. " 

Nathan, " But I love you. " 

You, " Yeah and I love maple donuts, we don't always get what we want. " 

Oli doesn't say anything, but he walks past you to the cashier. 

Nathan, " But you loved me. " 

You, " Exactly ' loved ' not no more. " 

Nathan sniffles, " We can work this out. " 

Oliver than comes up behind you and puts his hand on your shoulder.

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