Chapter 15: Playful

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Oli, " My happiness? "

You, " Yes.. Yours. Not anybody else's, just yours. "

He looks into your eyes. He than kisses you.

You kiss him back.

He sighs, " You make me happy. "


You, " Than why be with Karen? Be with me. "

Oli, " You'll want me back, even after all i've done to you? "

You, " Yes, i've never felt this kind of love before.. other than- "

Oli, " When you was with your ex that Karen got involved with? "

You shake your head yes.

Oli sighs, " I guess I will get changed and go and try to find Karen so I can break up with her. "

You hug Oli.

You, " I know it might be hard breaking up with her where she was your first love.. but if you truly mean what you say.. that you love me.. than I promise to make you the happiest I can all the time. "

Oli puts his hand on your cheek and rubs his thumb back and forth on it.

Oli, " This is why I love you so much. " 

You blush as red as a tomato.

Oli giggles, " Alright Tomato head let me change. " 

You giggle and sat down on his bed.

Oli than comes back out from the bathroom all dressed. 

You, " Looking like a snack. " 

He smiles, " How about you go change and look like one. " 

You gasp, " I don't look like one right now? "

Oli, " Nope. " 

You, " I'll get my revenge, mark my words. " 

Oli laughs, " Yeah ookay. " 

You smirk and he just laughs some more.

Oli, " For real though go and get changed you're coming with me. "

You, " I didn't bring any change of clothes though. " 

Oli, " Well than you can wear my shirt. " 

You, " Aw how thoughtful of you. "

Oli, " That be the only reason you'll be looking like a snack. " 

You throw the nearest thing at Oli. ( Pillow )

Oli, " Don't start something you can't win. " 

You, " Wanna bet. " 

Oli giggles, " Y/n how am I ever gonna break up with Karen to make you and me official if you're gonna sit here and distract me? "

You, " Mmm good point. "  

You quickly grabbed one of his shirts and rush into the bathroom. You quickly change out of your shirt and put his on. You brushed your hair with his comb... hoping he wouldn't mind. You than quickly rush out of the bathroom and rush into the living room where Oliver was waiting for you and than you ran into something and you fell.

Oliver just laughs.

Seb, " Ow. " 

You look beside you and there laying was Sebastian, you couldn't help, but to laugh yourself.

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