Chapter 9: Ex

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Mateo, " And? Love is love. "
You was speechless and didn't know what to say.
Oli, " Not right now Mateo. "
Mateo, " Than when? Man up bad boy. "
You laugh.
Mateo, " I'll take her if you don't. "
You, " Oh yeah Oli, Mateo will make me his. "
Oli puts on a disappointed look ( playfully)
You, " Aww look we are upsetting him. "
Mateo, " I knew he liked you. "
You giggle.
Mateo, " Question is do you like him? "
Oliver, " Ohhh she totally likes me. "
You, " Maybe in your dreams. "
Mateo giggles, " Oooo she got you good. "
You smile.
You just remembered, " Wait where's Diego? "
Oli, " Is hitting on the worker. "
You, " Of course he is. "
Oli, " I mean she is pretty hot though. "
You roll your eyes and turn around and immediately turned back.
Oli, " What is it? It looks like you've just seen a ghost. "
You, " That's the girl that my boyfriend cheated on me with.. "
Oli, " Oh. "
Diego comes over.
Diego, " Bro I just got her number. "
You stare at Diego.
Diego, " What? "
The girl walks over, " Hey wait you forgot your Ice crea- omg you/n."
You, " Hi. "
The girl, " Oliver? "
Oli looks confused.
Diego, " You know them? "
The girl, " Of course. "
You, " What are you doing here Karen, shouldn't you be slumming it with my sloppy seconds? "
Karen, " I-"
Oliver, " Wait Karen.. "
Karen, " Yeah? "
Oliver's heart starts beating fast.
Oliver, " The Karen? "
Karen, " The one and only Karen in your life. "
Oliver, " You look so different. "
Karen, " I know the sucker I was with last time I took all his money and got plastic surgery. You like what you see? "
Oliver, " Do I. "
Mateo, " No he doesn't. "
Karen looks at Mateo, " Ohhh sweety how would you know. "
Mateo, " Because he likes someone. "
Karen laughs, " You mean this girl beside you? "
Mateo, " I'm not saying a word. "
Karen laughs again, " Okay. "
She walks off and winks at Oliver.
Oliver hasn't stopped staring at her since.
Diego, " Bro? "
Oliver is silent.
Diego sighs, " How do you know Karen y/n? "
You, " She was the one that my boyfriend ran away with. "
Diego, " Ohhh if I known I would have never talked to her. "
You, " Oh no you're fine.. Like you said you didn't know. "
Diego, " I won't call it's okay, I'll just leave it here on the table. "
You, " I gotta go to the bathroom real quick. "
Diego, " Okay, I'm gonna take these 2 outside maybe it'll wake up Oliver. "
You, " Okay. "
You stand up and go to the bathroom.
You look at yourself in the mirror and sigh.
Will I ever be worth it?
You splash water on your face and dry it.
Someone comes in.
Karen, " So y/n to answer your question I used him very well. "
You, " Huh? "
Karen, " Your boyfriend." She laughs, " I can't believe he actually thought I loved him, but I guess that showed you that he wasn't good enough anyway. "
You stay silent.
Karen, " I see you're going after what is mine now though. "
You, " Excuse me? "
Karen, " Oliver is mine. "
You, " Yeah okay. "
Karen, " He is and I'll prove it to you. "
You walk past her and walk towards the door.
You noticed the napkin was gone that had her number on it..
You shrug it off and walk back outside to the boys.
Diego, " He's still silent I don't understand. "
You, " Uhm can you take Mateo and go to the playground real quick? "
Diego, " Sure. "
Mateo looks upset, but you don't wanna do this in front of him.
Once you saw that Diego and Mateo was out of sight you stood in front of Oliver.
You, " Oli? "
You put your hands on his cheeks and softly kiss him.
You felt him kiss back.
You tried to pull away, but Oli pulled you back still kissing you.
He than rests his forehead on yours.
Oli, " What happened? "
You, " I think you was in shock or something. "
Oli, " Why? "
You, " Because of your ex. "
Oli, " Karen here. "
You, " Yes and we aren't gonna come back here again.. She treated you so awful. "
He puts his hand on your cheek and looks you in the eyes.
Oli, " She cheated on me with your boyfriend.. "
You sigh, " Yeah. "
Oli, " How did we find each other. "
You, " I guess god wanted us together. "
Oli stares you in the eyes and kisses you softly.
Karen, " Hey babe. Make sure you call me. "
You look confused.
Karen winks.
The note... Oliver took it... Wait maybe she could be just saying that.
You, " Let's get away from her. "
Oli shakes his head yes.
You guys walk to the playground.
Oli, " Alright lil guy we need to get home, mom wants us. "
Mateo, " Is y/n coming to? "
Oli, " No, she has to get home to. "
Diego, " What about Diego? "
Oli, " Sorry man, my mother just wants us. "
They walk off.
You, " You wanna come over to my place? "
Diego, " Would I ever. "
You smile, " Let's go. "
You guys walk to your house.
Diego, " Wow. "
You, " It's my uncles house. "
Diego, " Well your uncle has some good taste. "
You smile and walk in, " Uncle Rick? "
No answer.
You, " I guess he's gone for now, you hungry? "
Diego, " Nah I'm good. "
You, " Okay. Uhm may I ask you a question? "
Diego, " Sure. "
You, " Did you take the note with Karen's number on it? "
Diego, " No.. I told you I wouldn't mess with her don't you trust me? "
You, " Yes I do trust you, it's just when I came out of the bathroom I noticed the napkin was gone.. And than she came out and told Oli to make sure he would text her.. I didn't want to believe he was the one that took it.. "
Diego, " Do you think he did? "
You are worrying now.
( Oliver's POV  )
I can't believe I took the napkin.. Why did I take it.. My heart loves y/n..but Karen was my first love... Wait did I just say love? I mean likes it likes y/n...I love Karen.. But she's bad for me... But she's the reason why I am who I am today... She's a bad girl.... And I'm the bad boy...
He puts the number in his phone and texts Karen.
Oli: Hey
Karen: I knew you couldn't stay away from me that long.

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