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"katya?" trixie tilted her head and walked over to her. she was sitting slouched on the couch with her eyes closed. "um," trixie squatted down in front of her and poked katya's shoulder.

katya's body swayed and fell forward, onto trixie. she pushed katya off her and noticed that she didn't even flinch or move. "this isn't funny," trixie placed her hand on katya's chest to feel her heart,.

it was beating very, 

very slow.

a shock went up through trixie's spine causing her heart to go at a hundred miles an hour and feel like she couldn't even breathe.

"katya? katya?!" trixie shaked katya's unconscious body. she didn't respond to any sudden movement trixie made. she wouldn't react to a pinch or a slap.

trixie's eyes filled with tears, but didn't let any of them fall out. "katya! come on! this isn't funny!" trixie cried. "just make any sudden movement!" she begged.

trixie stopped shaking katya and kneeled next to her, looking down at her own hands. trixie was shaking, she was scared. teardrops fell into her hands making her unable to see as her tears had blurred her vision.

"katya- i'm so sorry." trixie sobbed. she turned around and grabbed her phone, dialling 911.

"hello- ?" trixie pulled the phone away from her ear and saw. "are you serious?!" tears fell down her face.

her phone died.

she threw herself onto katya's unconscious body and cried, and cried, and cried until she heard something. it was a faint heartbeat that came from katya's chest. trixie started to poke katya, hoping to trigger something to make her do something to signal that she is somewhat alive and conscious.

the last thing trixie wanted to do was to perform CPR, but she had no choice. trixie put her lips on katya's and breathed oxygen into katya's mouth, then pushed down on her chest three times per cycle.

"trix.." katya opened her eyes slightly. trixie's head snapped to katya. she had tears in her eyes. trixie cupped katya's face.

"what's happening katya? i don't know what to do."

"i don't either." she whimpered.

inside trixie's body a kind of sense of adrenaline coursed through her veins. "i'm taking you to the hospital. right now." trixie stood up and grabbed necessary items; her phone although it's dead, a water bottle and her wallet. she then lifted katya bridal-style and took her to her car.

trixie tries to lay katya down in the backseat. she manages to get her legs in but katya wouldn't let go of trixie's top.

"katya, let go, i need to drive." trixie begged.

"i'm sorry for everything." katya murmured. trixie looked down at her and shrugged it off, not understanding why katya was apologising.

"we'll talk after, please just help me, as well as yourself by getting in the car." trixie pleaded.

katya allowed trixie to put her in the car. trixie started the ignition and drove as fast as possible down the freeway. she puts one arm behind her so katya could hold onto her hand. she was worried, she didn't understand what was happening to her.

katya started coughing and shaking again, this time starting to foam at the mouth. trixie watched through the mirror and stopped the car. she jumped over the seat and got katya to lay on her side so she wouldn't choke on anything. their car was on the side of the freeway with the hazard lights blinking.

trixie didn't know what to do, so much was put onto her at once that she felt that she was going to pass out.

"katya," trixie held her hand. "please...please be okay." trixie went back to the front seat of the car and drove at 100km/h to get to the hospital.

they finally arrived. trixie lifted katya our of the car and carried her into reception.

"SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP. I DONT KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING." trixie screamed and the nurses rushed over.

they looked at katya and then at each other. one nurse ran and got a stretcher. "how long has she been like this?" the head nurse asked.

trixie looked at the clock with her bloodshot she's and tear-stained face. "since 10:40." she responded. the nurse writes down information and asks questions to trixie about herself and katya.

the stretcher comes along and trixie lays katya in the stretcher. two nurses send the stretcher off.

"wait! wait!" trixie yelled but the nurses continued to go. she caught up and made the nurses stop. trixie looked down at katya whose eyes were closed again. she hugged katya for a brief moment, "i love you," trixie whispered. then the nurses rolled her away.

the head nurse walked over to trixie and offered her a seat in a separate room to everyone else so they could talk.

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