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it was not my intention to lash off at trixie. i don't know why that happened. i would never ever yell at her like how i did- i'm not like that!

katya huffed. maybe i should go back to the doctors to see if everything is alright.

she grabbed her phone and dialled the number of her local doctor, dr lee.

"west hollywood medical centre, how may i help you?" the phone operator answered.

"hi, am i able to book an appointment anytime today to see dr lee?" katya asked.

"let me see," she answered and typed on the computer. "you can come in at 7pm." the lady said.

katya looked up at the clock, 6 hours until she had to go, perfect. "i'll be there at 7. thank you."

"alright, i'll just need your name and phone number." the lady asked.

katya gave the woman all the information needed. she thanked her and hung up the phone.

what's the best way to kill six hours? i could watch three movies. sleep. text trixie? no.

katya looked up at the clock. "i'm going out." she confidently said. she waltzed into the kitchen and picked up her red bumbag and placed her phone, wallet and keys in the bag and she was then on her way.

she decided to go and grab a nice, hot drink from her favourite cafe. katya could hear all the sounds in west hollywood; the sound of chatter, music, construction- TRIXIE.

she stopped in her tracks and looked into the glass to see trixie sitting down with pearl chatting about who knows what. trixie's hair was in a high pony tail and she had on cute little overalls.

pearl was dressed more skater and fashion forward. a one-piece singlet tucked into jeans with a puffer jacket on top. very chic, very pearl. katya had always wondered what trixie would look like if she implemented pearl's style. katya had always wanted to try and pull off pearl's aesthetic as well.

pearl's head started to turn towards the window and katya stepped out of the frame so she couldn't be spotted. she then continued her journey to the next cafe she saw to get a delicious, piping, hot coffee.

katya walked down a few streets and found her second favourite place to get coffee. it was a diner with a 60s aesthetic. it was very chill, she vibed with it.

"hi, how may i take your order?" a young waiter came over to where katya was sitting and asked.

katya took a glance at the menu. "can i have pancakes with vanilla ice cream and an iced coffee?" she asked. the waiter wrote down her order and gave a thumbs up and then turned around and headed back to the register.

it felt weird for katya to actually sit in a diner by herself. she'd gotten used to having someone come with her so she'd have some company. but she was happy about getting her pancakes, heh.

katya stared out the window at the people on their bikes passing by. a figured appeared and knocked on the window.

"well hello there." she sat down, "look at you all alone in a diner, it's been a while."

"well i'm clearly not alone anymore." katya laughed. it was pearl. the girl that she saw earlier with trixie.

"sooo, how have you been?" pearl stopped to think about what she'd say. "probably not the best question to ask." she chuckled softly.

"i've been 'meh'. that would be the correct term to use." katya shrugged. "haven't been overly happy. haven't been overly sad a lot...only a couple times."

"i heard you and trixie aren't talking anymore." pearl frowned.

"for the time being, we are not." katya sighed. "it sucks. it really does."

"then talk to her. she probably wants to talk to you but doesn't know how to start the conversation." pearl explained.

"what? and you think i do?" katya laughed. "you're funny, you're very funny, miss liaison."

"miss zamolodchikova, i'm being serious." pearl stated. "just say like...'hi' or something." she shrugged.

katya shook her head. "if trixie wants to speak to me, she can message first. or even come to my house."

"your pancakes and coffee, miss." the waiter placed katya's order down.

"thank you." katya smiled. she picked up her fork and stabbed it into her pancakes.

"you were the one who went off at trixie. therefore, you should be the one to text her first." pearl explained and katya shook her head.

"noooo way. nuh uh." she wagged her finger as she stuffed a piece of pancake in her mouth. "i'll give it a bit more time."

pearl rolled her eyes. "you're so difficult to reason with."

katya laughed, "you're not the first person to tell me that."

"and i definitely won't be the last." pearl chimed in, making katya chuckle.

"so, what are you doing after this?" pearl asked.

"going to walk back home, take a nap, and then go to the doctors."

"how come the doctors?" pearl tilted her head slightly in worry.

"i think that the reason i went off at trixie to the extent that i did was because i was reading about withdrawal symptoms from drug addiction and drastic change of mood was one of them."

"so you're waiting until after you know what's happening to apologise?"

"you could say that." katya shrugged. why does pearl want me to apologise so badly? she's not even meant to be involved in this dispute, it's got nothing to do with her. literally NOTHING to do with her. it's only between trix and i and at this point, she's becoming more and more involved.

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