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"please. don't cry. i don't want to see you cry." katya begged her, still holding onto her as if katya's life depended on it. trixie had always been there for katya, through thick and thin. the only issue was... katya always acted like she was fine when she wasn't. it got to a point where nobody could tell the difference whether she was sad, or if she was happy, or if she was just okay. trixie did notice it but thought that maybe it would be better to simply not question it. maybe katya was having a good day and her asking if she was okay could make her less happy? she'd seen it happen before. but now because of what has happened, trixie blamed herself and is doing everything she can to be by katya. shes living with her for god sake, you couldn't get any closer than that.

trixie sniffles and doesn't respond. she placed her hands delicately on katya's back, gripping her shirt as she felt tears come on again. "i just-" tears streamed down her face and onto katya's shoulder. "i could've stopped this. i'm so sorry! i'm sorry!" she dug her face into katya's shoulder loudly sobbing.

"trixie... trix," katya let herself out of trixie's grasp and sat facing her and she laid on her side. katya then stood up in front of her, "come with me." katya offered trixie to hold her hand. trixie stared at katya's hand, then back up at her. she took her hand, katya pulled her up and walked upstairs basically dragging trixie along behind her.

the two women arrive at the front of the main bathroom. for some reason it was one of katya's biggest rooms in her house and she still never understood why. katya walked in and sat on the toilet lid as trixie stood there confused on why katya brought her here.

"i figured that since you'd been crying, you should wash your face." katya looked at the digital clock above the mirror. "also it's kind of late, and you and me both are tired. so maybe an early night wouldn't be so bad." katya smiled. trixie just stood there, no expression in reply to what katya said to even acknowledge her idea.

"i'll...leave you to it." katya rose, "i'll be in your room if you need me." she walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her leaving trixie in there by herself and her reflection.

katya galloped down the stairs to get trixie's bags for her room. "oh my god. why are they so heavy yet so small?!" katya huffed, struggling to lift them up the stairs causing the wheels of the bag to slam on the wooden stairs making a loud snapping sound.

"katya?" trixie called out from the top of the stairs. "oh my,"

"yeah. help." katya continued to go up the stairs she felt like her back and arms were about to snap. trixie came down to help her. she lifted up the bags effortlessly. "HUH?" katya exclaimed. "how'd you- how'd you lift-"

"they're not that heavy." trixie shrugged and took the bags upstairs. katya stood gobsmacked on the stairs. had she gotten weak?

it seemed so.

katya ran into the guest room and jumped on the bed making trixie laugh.

the guest bedroom had white walls and a white carpet floor with some small patches of discolouration where katya tried dying her hair because she noticed she was getting grey hairs and wanted to dye it platinum blonde. there was a double bed with black sheets and a red duvet and to the right of the bed there was a completely empty walk-in closet. although, katya had shoved a bunch of junk in the bottom shelf in the closet. other than thst trixie had all the space she wanted. "scooch, i need to put my stuff there." trixie tapped katya's thigh and she rolled off the bed sitting and onto the egg shaped chair near the left corner of the room and rested her legs on the drawer next to the chair.

trixie threw her bags on the bed, unzipping them and placing all her items in piles to put in the closet. "so, how long do you think you'll stay here?" katya asked out of curiosity as she observed trixie organising her clothes.

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