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in case you lovely readers would like to know what kind of IMMACULATE music i listen to whilst i write here is the playlist :)
10/10 would recommend if you like lo-fi, you will not be disappointed.

"metaphorically, how would i tell somebody i like them?" trixie sipped her coffee

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"metaphorically, how would i tell somebody i like them?" trixie sipped her coffee.

"depends on who the person is." pearl winked, "okay so let's say it's katya. because it obviously is." she chuckled and trixie kicked her shin softly under the table. "ah!"

"alright captain obvious, what should i do?"

"i thought katya is mad at you?" pearl tilted her head in confusion.

"she is." trixie answered dryly.

"and why is she mad?"

"because i keep trying to kiss her and then i'm telling her i'm not interested in her romantically when she is. so now she's saying that it's hurting her feelings." trixie sighed.

"wha-" pearl chuckled but immediately stopped when she realised trixie was being serious. she cleared her throat and responded in a tone as if she was trixie's therapist, "and what else happened?" pearl asked.

"i- i kissed someone else last night. and willam put it on her instagram. and katya saw it." trixie looked down at the table. "i hate myself for being like this. i hate myself for doing it."

"who?!" pearl pinched the bridge of her nose.

"just a random girl at the club, i dunno!" trixie's voice cracked.

pearl pointed at trixie and paused, "idiot." she said and trixie nodded knowing that she was right. "you need to apologise. because you haven't." pearl started.

"in person? call? text?"

"text her first saying you want to see her and take her to one of those places she likes." pearl insisted. "apologising over text is like the worst thing you can do."

trixie took out her phone and stared at her lockscreen; a photo of her and katya.

trixie took out her phone and stared at her lockscreen; a photo of her and katya

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