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"katya." trixie greeted with a slightly annoyed expression on her face.

"hi," katya gave a weak smile. "i-i saw you were walking. and i wanted to join." she placed her hands behind her back and leaned back using the heels of her feet which made her descend into the sand a little. she chuckled awkwardly and fixed her stance.

"because you definitely weren't going to my house to see me after i said i didn't want to stay at yours." trixie crossed her arms. "sure, jan."

"i was going to bring the party to you!" katya widened her arms with a very not-confident smile on her face that reached from cheek to cheek. she then scratched the back of her neck knowing that trixie wasn't having any of it.

trixie shrugged, turned around, and started walking. katya shuffled in the sand to keep up.

"i like this jacket. but only if it was in red." katya poked trixie's arm. she didn't respond.

"a-" katya stuttered, "are you mad at me?"

"no." trixie said sharply.

"i mean, you know, you could apologise for today." katya held her hands together looking oblivious to what she just said.

"for- for what?!" trixie turned to her with an annoyed face. "okay, so the reason you followed me is so i can apologise to you?" she clenched her jaw. katya nodded. they stood in silence, katya staring up and trixie and she stared down at katya.

"i-i'm-" she looked down in defeat.

katya sighed and looked ahead. she spotted a figure wearing a hi-vis yellow and navy jacket. "is that a cop? are you serious?" katya rolled her eyes.

"he's coming toward us, isn't he?" trixie tsked. "shoot." lockdown rules had been set in place. you're only allowed on the beach for exercise and you're only allowed to around the people you live with and no one else. the rules literally came out like three hours ago.

"hi ladies, what brings you here today?" the policeman pulled out a notepad.

"just going for a speed walk." trixie answered and nudged katya to nod. she did intensely.

the cop looked at katya and then back at trixie. "new lockdown rules state that you cannot be with anyone other than people you live with. do you two live together?" he asked.

"n-" katya started and was interrupted by trixie. katya is a terrible liar.

"yes we do," trixie hesitated, "we moved in together three months ago." she gave a massive fake smile.

the policeman looked at katya who was tapping her foot rapidly on the sand. "do you, or do you not live together?" he stared at katya who looked him dead in the eyes.

"naturally. why do you think we're walking together? i'm not one to break laws." katya said with a confident straight face.

"alright." the policeman fixed his posture. "sorry for the trouble, have a good day." he tipped his hat and walked past them.

"good job." trixie poked katya's shoulder making her smile.

"now, apologise." katya smiled.

"are you serious?" trixie looked back at her with an annoyed look.

"oh my god you're such a brat. you think i didn't see you crying? i know you like me."

"FIRSTLY, yes i did cry."she admitted. "SECONDLY, you think you know that i like you." trixie became hesitated, still unable to come forward about how she felt about katya.

remission • trixyaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon