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trixie picked up a black brush from her bag and sat behind katya, brushing her short blonde hair. "how has the hospital treated you?" trixie asked.

katya shrugged. "honestly, i thought it was going to be way worse. it's been good, i won't lie."

trixie stroked katya's hair. it was so silky as she ran her hands through.

"hi katya. i'm here to give you your tablets." the student nurse popped into the room.

katya squealed in excitement. "it's my favourite nurse!!" she did a little dance at the nurse as she got katya's tablets ready. "i-i don't know your name."

"it's phoebe." she smiled. phoebe had long brown brunette hair with wispy bangs. she wore very little makeup, mainly just a sparkly clear lip gloss and mascara.

"wow i'm really a terrible person. i've been here for almost a month and i didn't know your name!" katya sighed. "i am..so sorry." she apologised.

"it's fine really." phoebe brushed it off. "i want to thank you though. you've really helped me with my studies on how to be a good nurse, i owe you one."

"oh god." katya laughed. "you don't owe me. we just clicked."

phoebe gave katya her tablets. katya refused to take them, she instead opened her arms for a hug from phoebe. she tried to resist but she knew that if katya didn't have the tablets that she'd be in serious trouble. the two joined in a warming embrace.

"now, take your tablets so i don't get in trouble." phoebe laughed.

katya swallowed all her tablets and phoebe signed off on it. "i'll see you later." she waved and left the room.

"how nice is phoebe? she's so sweet, bless her heart." katya sighed happily.

"oooo you like her." trixie cooed and katya smacked her arm.

"as a friend, doofus," katya replied. "she's too young for me."

"how old is she?" trixie asked.

"20. she's in her final year."

"oh god. that's young."

"see? i told you." they both laughed.

trixie continued to brush katya's hair. "i love your hair."

katya snapped her head around and looked trixie dead in the eyes. "wanna fuck this hair, bitch?"

trixie SCREAM cackled.

"AAAAAH." she laughed. "AAAHH HAHAHA!" she wheezed.

"thank you for coming to see me today." katya smiled. "it really means a lot. you probably don't realise."

"i'm so bored without you. you make things interesting."

"in a good way? or bad way?" katya laughed.

"OBVIOUSLY a good way." trixie answered and katya sighed in relief. she had thoughts that trixie hated coming to the hospital to see her, that she'd gotten sick of it.

"i don't even remember what happened on new years."

"i cried." trixie answered with a plank face.

"what? why?" katya sat up.

"what do you mean 'why'? you were dying in front of my eyes!" tears formed in trixie's eyes. katya turned and faced trixie. both of them sat cross-legged on the bed. "i had to rush you to the hospital. and the whole time in the car i held your hand as you laid in the backseat." trixie sniffled. "i said to myself that i was not going to lose you, and i didn't."

katya leaned forward and wrapped her arms around trixie as she cried into katya's back. "i'm sorry, i shouldn't be crying." she sobbed.

"no, no, it's fine. let it all out." katya patted her back.

"i just- i really thought..that i was going to lose you." trixie's eyeliner ran down katya's robe. "i can't imagine life without you. people only like me when i'm with you, not when i'm by myself."

katya moved away from trixie, separating their loving embrace. "trix," katya held her hand. "people like you as much as they like me. don't think like that."

"it's hard when it seems that people only like me when i'm around you." trixie looked down at her shoes. "i need you in my life. you make my life worth living."

katya traced circles with her thumb on the back of trixie's hand, trying to assure her that she wasn't going, not for a while.

"you've opened me up to new experiences, that i never would've done with anyone else." katya returned a reassuring smile. trixie always second-guessed herself, no matter the situation. it was just a thing she did here and there. 

deep deep down, katya had always wanted something more with trixie. something more than being best friends and work colleagues. she had tried to make an advance here and there, but every time trixie had either not recognised or turned it down. katya completely understood that being only work colleagues would better their future, trixie had said it many times to her. but what's the point when you basically have an underlying love for your best friend that she probably knows about, but has absolutely no interest in pursuing it further.

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