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just a quick note before the chapter starts:
hello gang, i'm sure you missed me ;)

i just wanted to say some things before you start reading. firstly, THANK YOU FOR 5k READS like oh my god it's insane! i didn't expect this book to get so much traction, honestly. i kind of just write and i'm glad you guys enjoy it, it really does make my day!

and secondly, you can already tell because there have been many delays, but there will be no more weekly updates only while school is going on. when i'm in summer holidays (december-february) i'll be sure to upload more and more.

aaand that's about it. i decided that since you guys like this book so much that i'll start writing between 1000-2000 words per chapter.

thank you again for enjoying this book and i'll be sure to write more in the future! if you have any suggestions for a book don't be afraid to pm me, i promise i don't bite, i'm just hella shy lol.
- @melodramaticsss ❤️

- start of chapter -katya pulled the covers above her head

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- start of chapter -
katya pulled the covers above her head. "why must it already be morning?" she sighed.

usually, katya would be up and fully awake at this time, already on her morning walk. but today she just wanted to sleep in. lately she had been going to bed at random times ranging between 9pm and 4am. it's been crazy.

katya sat up with her bed blanket covering her from the waist down and turned on the tv. she connected her phone to it and played reverie by arca.

"breaking news:," the news presenter begun as the morning segment with two ladies who discuss about how they hate men ended and weirdly transitions to a news broadcast. "the US has stopped all planes from departing from the country. american citizens who are currently overseas are only able to come back and will then have to go into quarantine for up to 14 days and get tested before being allowed out in the community."

"well, i guess me and trix aren't going on that trip then." katya sighed as a tear fell down her face. she was excited for the trip, it's unfortunate it had to be cancelled like this.

katya unlocked her phone and went onto instagram to go message trixie. she noticed that trixie posted something to her story. trixie was out with some of her friends having drinks at a club near katya's house. katya went onto trixie's friend's accounts to see what they posted. katya clicked on willam's story.

"oh my god you whore! get it!" willam and others cheered as the camera was focused on trixie snogging another girl on a couch. her eyes squinted as she watching trixie kiss someone other than herself. she couldn't believe what she was seeing. katya felt as if her heart fell out of her body as she watched the video again, and again, and again.

literally not even a week ago trixie kissed me saying that she was interested and now she's making out with somebody else?? i understand she's single but you literally said you were interested in me!- well she didn't say she was interested but that whenever she sees me she wants to kiss me which i take as being interested...or simply feeling lust, which i hope is not the case. does she have something against being with me? is it because we work together? why won't she just admit to it.

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