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"i just- i don't know what like... got into her," trixie complained, "she went off on me and started saying that i 'don't appreciate her enough'." she scoffed as she heard katya yelling at her in her head saying that she doesn't appreciate her enough.

"it's odd for her to go off on anyone, especially you." pearl added.

"i took a month off work to care for her! i don't understand."

"do you know why she went off like that?"

trixie sighed and nodded. she did know why, well, she figured she did. "at the hospital i kissed katya. and we both know that katya likes me. normally i'd peck her or whatever- nothing over the top."

"did you like make out?" pearl eagerly asked as she sipped on her coffee.

"not necessarily made out. more like, we held a long kiss. no tongue or anything like that." trixie shook her head.

"you like katya." pearl pointed at trixie turning her face as red as cherries. "just admit it."

"what?" her eyes widened.

"you do. i've seen the way you look at her." pearl winked.

"no." trixie shook her head. denying all of pearls arguments.

"delusion." pearl laughed. "literal delusion, miss trixie mattel."

"i'm not delusional, oh my god!" trixie leaned back on her chair and covered her face looking up at the ceiling between the gaps of her fingers. admitting to the fact that maybe she was interested in katya would only jeopardise their friendship they've formed over the last five years.

trixie couldn't imagine her life without katya. it was quite glooming to think about. the simplest way to explain their friendship was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich; you can't have on without the other and when they're together it's amazing how two very different things work so well.

"you asked me for my opinion on the matter and i'm telling you my opinion," pearl pointed at trixie, "you like katya. you aaaalways have."

"no," trixie shook her head.

"denial." pearl laughed. "literally everyone knows it." pearl paused and tilted her head slightly to the left. "well, they know that katya likes you, but they have a feeling that you like her baaaack." she winked.

pearl looked outside of the empty cafe, thinking that someone was there. since this whole epidemic, barely anyone has left the house as they're scared to get it. the government haven't really done much to combat it yet. "do you see someone?" trixie asked, then looking out the window. but nobody was there.

"i thought i did. but i guess not." pearl shrugged. "anyway, continue." she said with a smug look.

trixie rolled her eyes. "she did yell at me. and i did cry." trixie sighed, "it was scary seeing her like that. i dont think i've ever seen her act like that...like ever. it was as if somebody had taken over her body."

"katya is normally very chill and down to earth." pearl agreed. "i don't think i've ever seen her in a bad mood. but then again, i'm not as close to her as you are."

trixie looked down at her phone. it's been four days since the incident with katya occurred. she'd been very reluctant in messaging her, concluding that katya was probably still mad at her what she assumes to be trixie's ignorance toward katya.

it still wasn't really clicking with trixie. why did katya get mad at her like that? it was very much out of the blue for her to get as mad as she did.

"trixie? trix." pearl shook trixie's arm, bringing her back to reality. "here's some advice for you: just relax." pearl leaned back on her chair almost making it tip over. "just like that. no thoughts or recollections in my mind. i'm in my element." she breathed out.

"i don't think relaxing will work when i'm like this. i just don't understand what i did wrong." trixie shrugged.

"are you actually serious?" pearl's eyes widened. "do i need to spell it out for you?"

trixie raised an eyebrow.

"katya likes you. and from that kiss that happened at the hospital she now thinks that you're playing with her feelings." pearl briefly explained.

"oh my god, what?" trixie finally came to her realisation of what had happened. pearl facepalmed. "i feel like an idiot." trixie pinched the bridge of her nose.

"don't feel like an idiot." pearl said in a reassuring tone. "it's not your fault you don't feel the same way back." she shrugged.

"i need to go," trixie stood up. "it was great seeing you again, hopefully you'll be back here soon." trixie smiled and gave pearl a warm embrace and possibly their last one for a while.

"keep in touch, okay?" pearl returned the smile and trixie nodded. they both then went their separate ways.

katya probably thinks that i'm such a dick now. i was so oblivious to the fact that i was actually hurting her feelings. i thought she wouldn't care if i said i didn't like her, she seemed to be unbothered by it. but now she is? i don't GET IT. katya zamolodchikova, she is full of surprises at this point, i'll tell you that.

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