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hello hiiii.

I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!!! i've been becoming very inconsistent with chapter uploads smh. i'm currently in my final year of school so it's been incredibly stressful and not fun at all. i managed to write a couple chapters last night which i'll be posting soon. :)

stay tuned!

- missbirch

arriving at katya's home felt different this time. trixie wasn't staying for a couple days. she's staying for a while, or until the current lockdown restrictions are eased which probably won't happen for a while with america's current boom in covid cases.

"what's wrong?" katya asked trixie, her eyes shining light blue with a tinge of emerald green.

"hm?" she turned around with a weak smile, "nothing, nothing. i'm just thinking about how this is where i'll be living."

"you know, since we're not doing anything we could design the guest room to make it suit you." katya expressed her idea with a massive smile on her face reaching from cheek to cheek. "we can order some stuff and redesign the whole room for you. because- i know you're going to miss your house so i think it'll be cool to make the from designed to your interests so you don't feel lonely."

"katya..." trixie was lost for words, it was very not like katya to do something that she won't get anything out of except for seeing a smile on trixie's face.


"that is so sweet." trixie cupped her mouth. katya grabbed trixie's wrists and moved them away from her face and for the mere seconds they shared in silence katya looked deep into trixie's eyes, and she did the same. katya saw the worry, the melancholy. the absolute vulnerability trixie would never dare to show as she constantly felt the need to always be perfect to feel validated by others. but katya has known that trixie isn't perfect because no one is perfect (as cliche as it sounds), it would make them practically a robot.

katya acquired her laptop from the kitchen and jumped onto the couch in the lounge. she rested her legs on the recliner and typed away. "what kinds of things would you like?"

"well, what do you think i'd like?" trixie looked at the laptop screen over katya's shoulder. she then stepped onto the couch and sat next to katya, resting her head on katya's shoulder as she continued to search for decor.

"that's pretty." trixie pressed her index finger against the laptop screen causing a finger mark to stay there after she moved her hand away. katya smacked her hand.

"the laptop isn't touch screen." she stated and trixie responded with a shrug, not really seeming to care.

"i like that bean bag." trixie poked katya's head to get her attention.

"you're not getting a bean bag." katya laughed. "we're going to get stuff like paint, and shelves and stuff like that."

"yes, and bean bags is stuff like that." she argued.

"it is not." katya rebutted. trixie huffed and walked off into the kitchen. katya glanced at trixie as she waddled out of the living room. she has a nice figure. naturally cinched at the waist. it's a really refined hourglass shape. i wonder if shes worn corsets. what a woman!

before trixie left katya's sight she turned her head to the right, subtly seeing katya staring at her through the side of her eye. katya noticed trixie looking back and in a rush awkwardly looked away at the art piece above the heater.

katya pointed to the piece that caught trixie's attention, "this painting." she nodded. trixie quietly laughed at katya's awkwardness. the painting was created by jesse kanda "it's interesting, isn't it?" the painting depicts a kind of mannequin doll inside of a uterus presenting the beauty of internal organs, as well as the loneliness we all feel.

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